
Thursday 28 June 2012

10K in hits, what a big number!

I am rather feeling warm and tingly, I broke the 10,000 mark yesterday so a big thanks to all you long (and short) suffers of my twaddle. It's been a blast so far and long may it contnue. I'm not going to do a giveaway right now, save that for 100 followers I think. Anyway that cheaky fellow Ray has stolen my idea for painting something up for you (in fairness I also stole the idea from someone else but I am not about to own up to that am I?).

So why is Ray being so out of character (generous that is, not nicking) well Don't Throw A 1 has hit 250K of visits (yes I know a tad more than me). So head over to his blog by clicking here to see what all the fuss is about. Err, wait till I have finished please  ;-)

One last thing though, mostly for my American readers. Can anyone supply a link to American Football castings of 28mm or larger. I keep drawing a blank on my searches and there must be someone out there who produces them. I want to get something painted up for James to celebrate surviving his first year. Oh I am soooooo happy they play in gold!!!!!!


  1. Congrats on the 10k Ian and keep up the great work!!! Thanks for the link back too!!

  2. The first 'proper' milestone. Well done, fella!

  3. congrats on 10k! :)

    No prozed draw until you get 100 followers? Hmmm, I think we'd better start pimping your blog again ;)

  4. crappy typing - "prozed" should be "prize"

  5. A ‘HUZZAH!’ for a great achievement. Well done that man, I just know that there will be many more to come.

  6. Congrats! and welcome in the 10000 club!
    For the football (american):
    just a future release almost done, but in 1/72 scale:

  7. better link:

  8. yay.. well done on the 10k

  9. Thanks guys, I am haveing so much fun doing the blogging in the first place.

    @ Sam, thanks for the link but the football part of the boxed set is in fact British Football (Soccor) and really I need 28mm or larger to do what I really want to do, but thanks for the effort


  10. Congratulations on the milestone. May there be many more!


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