
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Weekend Post

OK not the most wargames oriented weekend but bear with me. Saturday was the trip to Nottingham for shoes and yet again neither of the kids was rotten enough to have grown. Joseph now has gone a year without gaining a size in his shoes!!! Whilst we were there we bumped into this guy.

Part of a free music and arts festival that was going on that weekend. I was interested in the evening gig with the Levellers, a snip at £15, oh well if you lived in the city that is. Outside it was somewhat more. Hold on did I say free? Guess the small print kicked in! Anyways this was a group that danced around this impressive figure and all had face painted skulls and bone clothes. Really fun to look at. Not needing shoes or a need to get back we stayed there for quite a bit. I bought a pack of 1mm wire to replace some missing pikes I have for my ECW and Ancients which will come in handy.

Sunday was planned out, watch James play American Football in the morning and Mum's birthday in the afternoon and evening. James plays for the Sheffield Predators and is a fairly new member (running back) so as yet he does not see a lot of play time so only went out in the fourth quarter. Here is a pick of him post running the ball.

He is the guy lying on his back, head raised dressed in gold. They played the DC Presidents a new team to the league so it was rather one sided 79-0 I think but it was still fun to watch and I hope to catch the last home game in a few weeks.

A shot of him upright a couple of plays later (number 19) as he leaves the field. I had planned to work on a set of campaign ideas I had kicking around upstairs but was enjoying following the whole game so they stayed put.

OK anyone still here? With all this you could be forgiven to thinking I had done nothing at all hobby wise and whilst it did take a hit I am pleased to say I managed to rebase the phalanx and base up the Cataphracts. Both up to the green flock stage to do which I have done today and just tufted. I also have finished up a few terrain bits and hope to get pics taken at some point tomorrow.

That's not all though. I have also cleaned up and undercoated 60 odd 20mm plastics including what I think are a few cool conversions. Painting starts on these guys by tomorrow morning and I expect them to paint fairly quickly so it's not all been wasted time  ;-)


  1. Nice to nice American Footie still going in the UK. I hung my boots up way back in 1992, I think, too many injuries and too much time off work!

  2. How long has your son been playing American football? Looks like a fun weekend was had by all.

    Very cool.

  3. Ray, yes it seems to have a fairly good base here. James team hopes to get promoted this year so it's large enough to have multiple divisions and a new team joined the league this year and whilst thrashed by James team have won a game this year and I beleive in the first meeting lost by 40 odd to 13 so they can play better.

    Happy, that's how rumours start!!!! He is my sisters son LOL. He is like a son to me but PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Well it gave me a laugh to start the day, boogie woogie ;-)


  4. No need to be sorry LOL. my son is hopeing to join him next year. He is five!!! Bless



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