
Saturday 28 July 2012

6mm French Leger Infantry

I painted these guys up before the Baccus weekend (just) but had not got very far with the basing. Well I finally got round to finishing the basing up when I based up two Royalist Regiments for my new ECW project.

This is the first of the Leger or Light Infantry that I will be painting up. Basically it's a breeze as they have blue trousers so that's one less step in painting. Also it was probably the last of the French that will be painted in the old style. I am about half way through painting another 4 regiments under the new style of painting and so far so good. This will give me 9 Regiments of Baccus based on the 60x60 bases whilst all the Irregular are at the moment based on 30 x 60. I have to decide if I will rebase or just add a spacer to the front of the bases. At the moment it's a spacer as I may well sell them long term and convert all over to Baccus but that is plenty down the road.
I added 8 skirmish figures to the base which is possibly to many as they look cramped. I also should have taken off the rear row I think if I do this and would do so in the future. At least then I can add the surplus to a regiment that does not have skirmishers deployed.

Side view of the same unit. Today I bought a flat flesh from Vallejo as the medium flesh is to dark and the light flesh too pasty. The ACW had the flat flesh which I liked the result.

I am really enjoying painting the 6mm at the moment but I will be upping scale to 28mm as I finally get to work on another group of sniper reminders. The catch this time is not only are they actually snipers but they are on larger bases. These will be more terrain intensive. I also hope a figure will have arrived that is 54mm which will be a special project. At the same time I plan to do a bunch more of 15mm that just need undercoating, these have been waiting for me to get a new can as I was not convinced I had enough to coat all 12 and their mounts. After that it's a push to finish off the 20mm project and more 6mm goodness.


  1. how does one paint such small figures i'd go blind, nice job

  2. Nice job Ian. Gotta love the look of units in 6mm - great for mass effect

  3. @ Galpy, it's easier than you might think. Good light and small brushes are both required.

    @Tamsin, yes I love the big battles with little men perspective, you can see a battle then. I jus have 5 unpainted line regiments when I finish he four I am working on. I think I know what I will be getting in October! Got plenty of other stuff to keep me going in the meantime


  4. Great painting Ian, and a nice looking base of troops as well!

  5. Very nice, Ian. I always have had a soft spot for 6mm. They just look so good all massed-up. Nothing beats it for that.


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