
Friday 27 July 2012

New Project Warning!

Not so long ago in the comments someone said something about admiring my restraint. Er maybe you will need to rethink that one. At the Baccus day I bought just a few things, the Foot mini booster pack of 4 regiments and five of each of the light horse as I had already mentioned. Now Lee bought some 6mm ECW just to see how they paint up. Just a pack of Musket and another of Pike. After a night of thinking about it and a train journey chatting about it and come the end of the show I was the proud owner of a ECW English Army and a Dragoons pack (for some reason the starter army lacks Dragoons). Lee also bought the same (so he has more foot with those packs he purchased. Looking at the flags available I conned convinced Lee to go for the Essex Army whilst I was planning the Oxford. I did offer him the choice of taking Royalist in which case I would have gone for the NMA. I would have taken any army (other that a Scottish) to set against what he wanted to do but I liked the idea of going for the Western armies as these have lots of information and a good mix of colours for the regiments. Lee was quick to request coat colours and names for his regiments and as I had these close to hand was able to oblige Sunday night.
Lee had done a little smack talk about starting them straight away, which of course I rose too. Now I have been telling myself I painted the two regiments above up only to put into practise the techniques just learned, but I have my doubts about my motive. Still got the bases to finish, varnish and flag but these babies are close to finishing. These are two red coated regiments and I have a blue coated part way through which is sharing painting time with the 4 French I picked up on Saturday. So it's a 6mm fest at the moment.

I have to admit I am rather pleased we have gone down this route as I can sell some of the excess 15mm units and still keep the rest which puts off the final decision what to do with the bulk of the 15mm. At the same time I can develop the 6mm. Long term I expect to paint up a Royalist Northern Army and if the NMA is still free I will do this as well. The bonus is that the cavalry is multiple use, only the foot and dragoons need to be bought with a mind for set Regiments, though I am thinking about labelling them.

Don't forget the Giveaway (see the post elow) Look to close this in about a week.


  1. I think yours are the first 6mm I've really looked at. I can't imagine painting at this scale and getting detail like you have. I work solely at the 28-32mm range and did a 15mm once and that was a stretch for me.

    I'm afraid I'm looking at my future though. One day I'll get tired of large scale and will start a new collection at 15mm then 6mm and then after that go up to 54mm. I'll need a spare house for all that!

    Have fun with this new direction

  2. well, this is a nice project, and not that expensive, so it is okay by my standards ;)

  3. @ Anne, painting 6mm is just different, you pick out details you want to show off and let the viewers brain do the rest. I will post on the new style in more detail at alatter point, once I have it down. 28mm are harder to paint in my opinion than 15mm. Lots more detail and nowhere to hide with mistakes or bits you are not happy with (your skirt repainting being a good example). The detail on new 15mm means more painting of detail than 20 years ago but are doable. 6mm the key hing is good light. I have on my Christmas list a daylight strip light as this looks a must have. It really made all the difference when I used it Sunday.

    @Seb yes it's fairly containable and I did have the cash from some sales already so I still remain within my wargames neautral objective.


  4. Ah, maybe not that restraint then! Still within the neutral budget though, that's impressive. Looks like you are going to have lots of fun with these.

  5. Very nice! I painted up a stack of these a couple of years ago, then like a twat sold the lot on Ebay, what a dick!

  6. Nice Ian! You have got the 6mm juices flowing!


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