
Tuesday 9 October 2012

Adler Casualty Figures

The first of the Donnington Worlds purchases were painted up late Sunday. Please note that these figures still need to be matt varnished and placed into units for added looks. I bought a pack each of falling and lying casualties. I really like the animation of the figures (even the dead) and the detail for 6mm is breathtaking. I would go as far as to say they are too well detailed you feel like you are not doing them justice.
Painted up as light infantry for the unit I am working on at the moment. Note the musket sling, I have 28mm that don't add the sling! I have stuck to my usual painting style for 6mm but added Andy M's flesh style which takes more than twice as long but I think it's more than worth it. The figures are shinny as they have a Nut Brown ink wash on them.
Same figure showing the flesh off a bit alongside Line Infantry dead.  The only real bugbear for me is the size of the bases, these all need to be cut back for the standing figures which is a drag.

Another Light and this ones dead Jim! Even has the musket complete with sling along side him and backpack and bed roll along side him but detached. Maybe someone has gone through his gear?
Line falling towards his shako that is already on the ground. Again a well posed figure hat has to get full attention. My plan is not to make centre pieces of these figures but to try and meld them into the unit so are not obvious.

Both figures are similar posed but the one on the left has a shako that needed gluing to the rear of his head. Fiddly but looks good for being stuck on.
Another two dead, bags of character with the musket under the face down guy. I have more poses on top of the 6 figures shown. I recon these could as easily have been 15mm for the detail shown. Being close to finishing a full regiment I can state that at every stage these figures take longer than Baccus to complete but will add a lot more character than Baccus have available at the moment. However until I get them all based up I will have no idea how well they will mix with Baccus. I am still looking forward to the new Baccus French which may still make it out before the end of the year but no promises are offered. However unless Baccus at least change their scale of horse head I am fairly sure the cavalry will be Adler as will the rest of the command. Well I did buy a lot of Adler Command at the Con.


  1. I like those falling poses a lot and there is an enormous amount of detail on these 6mm figures. The extra touches make a huge difference. Can you imagine sculpting that detail

  2. Nice figures - some great 'poses' and I agree with Anne - the little details make all the difference.

  3. Those are rather splendid Ian, bravo.

  4. For 6 mm minis, I'm impressed.

  5. Nice work Ian, they will surly add that little bit extra to the units.

  6. Can't believe that these are only 6mm with that detail- terrific painting Ian.


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