
Monday 8 October 2012


As anyone who followed the comments section in the last post may well be aware I did not manage to get to Donnington for the second day of the con. Quite possibly this was much for the better given how much I was limping by the end of day one and how utterly crap today has been! It seemed like we have picked up two punctures in the last week. Well I am glad to say we have not, well I would be glad if not for the fact that the whees themselves are knackered and need replacing! So this morning was spent trying to get that sorted,  yes Fail two in two days. Well they say they come in threes so this afternoon I went for the two weekly blood test only for the post needle cotton wool ball to yep fail. Off down the corridor back to my sisters car when I noticed blood on the end of my finger. Looking up my arm was a steady stream of blood. back to the nurse and after rather more fuss than it required I was on my way with a bandage around my arm wondering if she was joking about the sling?
Anyways having had enough of Fails I went to my daughter's parents evening and happily she received a good report. So a proud Dad am I. I also have just finished painting up some of the figures I bought on Saturday which all things being equal will be posted tomorrow. Having spent scant attention to the rest of the convention on Saturday and taking zero pictures I can't really do the planned It's all about everyone else post so instead I will try over the rest of the week to post more in depth on some of the items I purchased. I also have a game booked with Matt for tomorrow night so will have that to write about as well. Until then  guess I had better get cracking with some more painting.


  1. I was wondering how you'd manage to make two long days in a row Ian. You got some good purchases in though.

    Congratulations on your daughters good marks!

  2. Congrats to your daughter!

    As a first aider, the reason the nurse mentioned a sling was to help you keep the arm elevated and immobile to allow the wound to heal. I'm guessing that they may have nicked a small artery if it continued bleeding, unless you are on medication which can thin the blood or impede clotting.

  3. Crazy times. It's great when the kids do well at school.

  4. So that was three punctures in the end... ;-)

    There's nothing like being a proud parent though!

  5. @ Anne, well considering the band that's playing in both knees and anckles I am glad I did not make Sunday, but glad I managed the one day.

    @ Tamsin, well ironicly the bleeding is a bit of a good sign as my blood is over thick due to the excess iron. When I started treatment it took over an hour for a pint of blood (that's why they use a needle that has the widest bore I have ever seen. A blood doners needle would and does fit inside it!) Now I am a lot faster but the veins do not stand up and the amount of scare tissue makes getting the bugger in a bit tricky. I hve had well over 50 needles in both arms in just over a year so it builds up. I have junkie arms LOL

    @ The Kiwi and Jim. Yes and it's the boys tomorrow evening (he is 5) and we already know it will be good. His reading is not that far behind his sister who just turned 8.



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