
Wednesday 21 November 2012

Well That Was Wierd

OK yesterday I was notified that some unusual activity was happening on my blog, I just assumed someone was actually reading it! I then was required to send a phone number for Google to contact me to resolve. The idea being I am given a code to enter and all would be well. Code arrived by text and I entered the number (twice in fact) and all was well with the world for a couple of hours. Then puff and both blogs were gone.
I sent a query to Blogger but by then it was late and until just now I have been off line so anyone trying to get on the blog have received a notice stating my blog has been removed. Glad to say it's all sorted and I have to admit I was starting to have a bit of a worry the longer it went on. On the positive side I have got loads of painting done today whilst waiting for this to sort out. Maybe a follow on post later today. But maybe I will just catch up on the blogs I have really missed.
Thanks to all those who contacted me to let me know about this and sorry to all those who now have to live with the fact I am still out there LOL.


  1. Whew, is right. I had this same thing happen to me awhile back. When I signed onto my blog, it told me the blog had been deleted.

    Gonesville City.

    Happy Almost Weekend :-)

  2. Yeah...glad to see you're back. Was a little worried there.

  3. Congrats on it being resolved so fast- I haven't found blogger to be very responsive in the past ;)

  4. Saw the message yesterday and had a little wobble, but glad to hear all is back to normal. Phew!

  5. We did wonder what had happened!

  6. Yes I was a little worried but hoped it would sort out.

    @ Laughing Ferret, I have had two issues and they have sorted them out fairly quickly. Given it's free I certanly can't complain.

    I also have arranged with Cath if I shuffle off this mortal coil she will post to that effect. Hopfully before she cashes in the life insurance


  7. I am glad that it is all sorted but I am very scared of the elephant slide.

  8. Wondered what ad appended. Thought you ain't put 50p in the meter.

  9. Did they say what the reason was?

  10. Strange I had a similar thing happen a little while ago. My blog appeared to disappear, then reappear the next day... Though it may have been my own fault when I was looking to reconfigure passwords...

  11. That was as weird as that slide exiting the Elephant.
    Resume normal broadcast.

  12. Glad to see things sorted Ian.

  13. Everyone should be scared of that elephant slide. Cath says it reminds her of a film we watched were a slide was metal and pointed in a upwards V with spikes at the bottom that gladiators or such were forced to slide down to their deaths. I have no reclection of such, maybe shes gone psycho????

    @ Phil, oh the old meters, I remember such things, I think I mates Mum had one of the TV as well going way back.

    @ Tamsin, nothing from Blogger, it was just back, though I have heard it happens from tme to time. The risk of a free service I guess.



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