
Tuesday 20 November 2012

What do you know I get an Award.

This award is flying around the hobby at the moment and I would be lyiing if I said I was not rather pleased to be giving it. Not so much the award itself but the recognition from those that gave it as I hold them and their blogs in high esteem. So many thanks to The Painting Diary, Fog's Soldiers, and Painting Diary and if anyone else has nominated me but I have not spotted you sorry and please let me know.
Now I will follow the spirit of the award by giving the award to five of my favourite blogs. I am though ignoring some of the rules by ignoring the follower count. I could have picked twenty or more as we have such a great bunch to choose from. I am also ignoring the fact that one or more have already received the award from others. So in no particular order we have
Another Diversion, not the most updated of blogs recently as Andy has a lot of real life to deal with at the moment but his was the first one I thought of when I needed to come up with a list. I got the idea of wargaming neautral from his site and I have to chuckle at his constant going off on another project tangent.
Yockbo's Boardgame Blog, again this is more of a fringe blog compared to a lot of the ones I follow and does not update at he fast pace some of us do but everything he writes is of interest for me. I started following for his ASL posts but now follow for all the other games, he really plays a wide cross section of strategy games.
Sgt. Steiners, is a great blog, mostly boardgames again but also figures. Another of those that I try and read every time he posts.
Anne's Attic,  Anne started painting recently and shows such talent it's hard not to Cheer her on, or be a little envious of her leaping up the skill table. Originally her blog was nothing to do with this hobby of ours but it has corrupted it to a great extent. Anne is a natural artiest as shown by her skills with lens, drums and attitude. Plus I had to give Anne the award as I am a little bit scarred of her.
Paul's Bods, Paul paints a great deal across so many different periods and subjects. He can scratch build the most interesting of items and even lets you in on the secrets of how he did it. This blog has so much to offer and keep you interested. What makes all this so much more interesting is that he does all this work in 20mm and every time I paint a 20mm fig I know I am very much in his shadow.

OK that's the five and as I said up post I could have picked so many more. Blogging has become such a important part of my life now that I can't see it changing, so to all those mentioned and those that are not I salute you and thank you.


  1. Congrats Ian, actually well deserved!

  2. Thanks again Ian for your kind words about my Blog. I'm glad you enjoy it sir.

  3. Thanks for the comments guys, so funny (now) that straight after the blog disapeared LOL.



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