
Wednesday 27 March 2013

£20 To Spend Giveaway

Today's giveaway is £20 or it's value in $ or Euro etc. to spend in an online store- figure supplier etc. of your choice. That's right, you pick where you want to spend it and what you want to spend it on. As long as the store will take payment from me you get some guilt free shopping. This is an excellent way to get those rules you were thinking about, get a start on that new army or just top up your paint or varnish supplies. Even use it towards a magazine subscription, the wargames world is your oyster. 

Obviously your purchase is not limited to the value of £20 but my part in it is  ;-) Feel free to spend as much as you want, I'm good that way. Now the giveaway has been a little bit slower than I expected so I expect the lot of you to help me spend this dosh so as always just leave a comment in the post to be entered in the draw, can be anything but I fancy a laugh so why not tell a joke? Man (or woman) just write what you please, I just want to give some money away!

As always, taking part in one giveaway does NOT stop you taking part in another. Feel free to join in them all. If you win one you are still in the draw for the other five. 

If you run a blog, please pimp this giveaway, the more the merrier. 

I also am running all giveaways on both my blogs but you get entered just the once, not per blog.

Good luck and don't forget I have already started the Leven Miniatures 6mm buildings and 3D ASL Snipers giveaways and still to come are the Rosemary & Co brushes, 28mm Sniper Reminders and Red Republic Games, Arena Rex 35mm Gladiator miniature giveaway. So if you missed the first two don't worry you can still put your name down till they have been up a full week.


  1. I would be delighted to take you up on it good sir!

    Maybe we can tell a joke by committee. I'll start: Knock, knock...

  2. Hmm, that's a nice Idea for a giveaway - you can count me in!

  3. Very generous of you.

    I hope to win something.

    Daddy needs some new toys

  4. I can almost taste them Essex NYW limbers!! Here's to hope! Nice one Ian.

  5. I'm in like Flynn! I'll pimp your blog as well.

  6. I see some resin steam tanks in my future, nice one Ian!

  7. So, a man walked into a bar. Bleedin' idiot should have been looking where he was going ;)

    Count me in - it might well go towards some....wait for it....wait for it....6mm from Baccus.

    1. you Tamsin 6mm Baccus, will you tell us more or is this part of the secret project?


    2. It's not part of the "Secret Projects", so I can tell you. I'm planning to do up enough ACW (both sides) to do some decent games with the Polemos rules (I'll be trying the rules out with smaller forces first to see if it is worth expanding the forces)

  8. Oh yeah, I'm in on this one and will gladly promote this for you. So here's a joke

    Aiden was tooling along the road one fine day when the local policeman, a friend of his, pulled him over. "What's wrong, Seamus?" Aiden asked. "Well didn't ye know, Aiden, that your wife fell out of the car about five miles back?" said Seamus. "Ah, praise the Almighty!" he replied with relief. "I thought I'd gone deaf!"

    1. I'm going to tell my wife that one. And maybe get a slap in the back of the head. But it will be worth it! ;-)

  9. Count me in please, this is too good to miss.

  10. I'm in, too, please! (And now for the joke...)

    A frog hopped into a bank and went up to the teller, Ms. Patricia Whack, and politely introduced himself and asked for a loan.

    "Good morning Ms Whack. I'm Kermit Jagger and I'd like to apply for a loan of $30,000 to buy a boat, please."

    Ms Whack was a bit taken aback by this, but following procedure asked the frog what he had to lodge as collateral against the loan. The frog produced a tiny souvenir elephant from his trip to Thailand. Ms. Whack was a bit puzzled by this so she took the elephant and went to consult the manager. The manager recognised the elephant and the frog's family and told Ms Whack, "It's a knick-knack, Ms. Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old mans's a Rolling Stone"


  11. Whoo! Free cash! Count me in!

  12. Very generous of you..
    Joke.. at least the North Americans will find it funny I hope :)

    St. Peter and Satan were having an argument one day about baseball. Satan proposed a game to be played on neutral grounds between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand-picked boys.
    "Very well," said the gatekeeper of Heaven. "But you realize, I hope, that we've got all the good players and the best coaches."
    "I know, and that's all right," Satan answered unperturbed. "We've got all the umpires."

  13. Please count me in :) and as for the joke...

    A Frenchman, an Italian, and a Yorkshireman are discussing sex. The Frenchman says "when I make love to my Wife, she rises 6 inches off the bed with pleasure" "ah" says the Italian, "when I make love to my wife, she rises 2 feet off the bed with pleasure". "Well lads" says the Yorkshireman, "after I've made love to my wife, I wipe meself on the curtains and she hits the bloody roof!"

  14. Ooh! I'm in. Like Tamsin, I think it would go to Baccus at the moment.

    Man walks into a bar. THe bartender is on the phone, but while he waits he sees a bowl of peanuts on the bar. A voice speaks to him from the bowl: 'you're looking good today sir! Nice shirt. And you've been working out, I see.' The bartender gets off the phone. 'sorry about that sir - what can I get you'. Man - 'a pint thanks. But , er, what's the story with the peanuts?' 'Oh' says the barman - 'they're complimentary'.

  15. It's five minutes to kick off at Murrayfield for the big match between Scotland and England. An old Scottish gent and his little dog rush into a bar to catch the start.

    "No dogs allowed" says the bartender.

    "Look," says, the Scot, "we'll be on our best behaviour. There'll be no trouble. My dog and I just love our rugby. We'll be civilized and watch the game."

    "Well," says the bartender, "I'm a rugby man myself. You can come in, but only this once."

    Pleased as punch, the pair sit down just as the game begins on the big screen. The Scots take the ball from the kick off, rumble down the field and are given a penalty kick on the 22 yard line. They cheer the three points as the ball sails between the posts.

    Suddenly the dog jumps up on its hind legs, moonwalks its way around the bar, howling Flower of Scotland and high-fiving all the patrons.

    When the dog has calmed down the bartender comes over and says "Geez! That was some performance. What does he do when you score a try?"

    The Scot scratches his head. "Dunno," he says, "I've only had him a year."

    (thank you, I'll be here all week...)

  16. I'd love free money! What? All I have to do is comment here? well, alright then, I can manage that...

  17. This is a great giveaway, I would also like in! I've been hankering for some EM-4 mounted barbarians...

    Tamsin's joke reminded me of an in-between from "A Bit of Fry and Laury"

    Hugh Laurie: "So I walked into a shop the other day... seventeen stitches."

  18. Two atoms are walking across the street. One stops, pats his pockets and declares "I've lost an electron." Looking quite concerned the other atom asks "Are you sure?"

    "I'm positive"

  19. Egads, sir! The generosity quite boggles the mind! Please enter my name in this draw, if you would be so kind.

  20. Count me in - I've got my eye on yet another set of 15mm rules.

  21. £20? Well, if you twist my arm...

  22. Replies
    1. I just remembered a joke:

      Old lady takes her recently deceased pair of pet monkeys to the Taxidermist.
      The taxidermist asks "How would you like them mounted?"
      The old lady replies "Oh no, just shaking hands. They were just good friends."

  23. Did you hear about the cannibal who showed up late for the feast?

    They gave him the cold shoulder.

    Put me down for one entry please.

  24. Don't count me in. On second thought, sure, I could use it for shipping costs to the U.S.

  25. Thanks for all the entries so far.

    @ Eric, sorry I did not make myself clear. You will pick a supplier in the States and I will pay them the $ equivalent to the £20. The idea is that someone gets new toys not the post master general ;-)


  26. Count me in! (What do you do in life? I what to do it too!)

    A Portuguese, a Frenchman and an Englishman walk into a bar.
    The barman says:
    - Hey, man ... This looks just like a joke!

    1. Err, actually at this point nothing. Been off sick for 20 months now but will be back soon, but on the whole I don't recommend it ;-)


    2. Damn! Glad you are getting back.
      I am unemployed, so I really was/am looking for something!

    3. Good luck with that, it can really drain you, hope all will turn for the better


  27. OOh I am in....

    Horse walks onto a bar

    Bar says , hey why the long face....

  28. A joke you say

    Well here goes nothing

    How to do shoot an Elephant?
    With a Elephant Gun.
    How you do shoot a blue Elephant?
    With a Blue Elephant Gun.
    How do you shoot a Green Elephant?
    With a Green Elephant Gun.
    How do you shot a Pink Elephant?
    You hold its Truck until it goes blue and then shoot it with a Blue Elephant Gun

  29. £20 to give to the Perrys? Count me in!

    A joke? Most of the ones I can remember aren't suitable for posting on the internet, so we'll have to settle for:

    Luke and Leia come home to find Darth Vader has been cooking. 'What's for Dinner?' they ask, to which Darth Vader replies 'wookiee steak'. They ask how it is, and he grudgingly admits 'it's a little Chewie...'

  30. well some of these joke are just bad, the rest are terrible :-)


  31. Count me in on this one as well, I hear UNICEF is taking up a Curt Schilling relief fund...

  32. I may as well join the masses! Mooooooo

  33. An excellent give away; count me in.

    This was our youngest's favorite joke for several years when he was a child:

    What's brown and sticky?

    A stick!

  34. I think Mike is winning the joke side of this, if only because it must have driven him mad after so long ;-) I am of course talking from experience.


  35. I could certainly use an excuse to buy some gaming stuff! Count me in. I don't really know any jokes, though...

  36. Very generous indeed, and who coud'nt think of something to spend £20 on, I certainly can! I am most definately in!

  37. Considering my recent luck, I better join this competition too.
    Me wants :-)



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