
Thursday 28 March 2013

Rosemary & Co. Brushes Giveaway

It's another day so it must be another Giveaway and it is, it is. Actually it will be two giveaways of four Rosemary & Co. brushes. I wish to thank Rosemary for backing this giveaway with two sets of brushes that retail at £16.55 for each of the four sets offered.

Not just any brushes though these are the Pure Kolinsky Red Sable Series 33 brushes. Rosemary & Co. have supplied two sets of four brushes size 1 through 4 so this giveaway is aimed at the 54 and 28mm sized figure painter (to balance the 6mm Leven Buildings we started with). Though if either set are one by 15mm painters I will order a couple of the smaller brushes to go with them, yes I'm all heart.

When I came back to the hobby around 18 months ago I bought the triangular Red Sable Kolinsky Creative Models and felt they lasted a fair amount of time given the hours I was using them for. But the bristle wear was always problematic and hairs would come loose even from a early stage. My mother who is a real painter (snigger) had a Rosemary & Co. catalogue and passed it over. Originally I was not sure which to go for so I bought a few Series 401 Sable Blend and the sexier but more expensive black handled Series 33 Kolinsky Red Sable. The price difference was quite steep with what I was at the time sitting between the two. I was hoping the cheaper blended brushes would do the job.

Postage was actually cheaper than calling at the local games store as it's just £1 delivered to the UK. Speed of delivery was very quick, I received updates all the way along, very professional. The brushes (and all since) was delivered in a small jiffy bag, the brushes in a sealed plastic bag in a reinforced card sleeve with the tips covered with the usual plastic collar. 

It was immediately clear that series 33 was a better quality brush, the handles being a better shape and the weight of the series 33 was noticeably heavier. This was backed up by the fact that the series 401 tips tended to curl within a few weeks of use. To help remedy this pour just boiled water into a cup or other container and dip the bristles in for just two seconds, remove and re-point this can extend the life of such brushes.

Given that I have been unable to work for 20 odd months paying more for brushes is a no no, but the thing is series 33 brushes may cost more than the ones I was already using but the life span of them was so much longer. In fact so much so that given good care they can last many hundreds of hours. I have just finished the three month panting challenge and estimate I painted for over seven hundred hours (yes really) and all on the same three brushes, I have just bought replacements though I am still using the old ones as they still have some life left in them.

So it's fair to say I am a fan, as with many things if you treat them well they last longer, the very fact that we are using them to paint metal figures really adds to the wear and tear. If used on good paper with good paints you get years of use out of them. For us it's a much shorter shelf life but we can extend it with care.

If you want a crack at this giveaway then just like the others before, you need to be a follower and you have to leave a comment below for this giveaway. Feel free to have a go at as many as you like, winning one will not mean you can't win another so go for as many as you can use.

So far we have on offer 6mm Leven Miniatures buildings, 2x 3D snipers sets, £20 to spend with any company that you can find to take money off me and now 2x sets of brushes, each set would cost you £16.55 so well worth getting these great brushes.


  1. I really like the sound of these, I'm in again.

  2. Count me in. I have a wide selection of brushes in my collection - from uber expensive Series 7's to pound store brushes - and all have their uses.

  3. Oooo yes please!!!! I need some decent brushes, count me in please. Fran said he's changed his mind and doesn't really want to enter, as he has all the brushes he's ever going to need. Most he pinched off me by the way!!

  4. These sound really nice, I'd like to be considered for this one as well. Hard to find a good brush over here in rural Canada.

  5. You know this is the one I want. I'm desperate actually. I can't find a retailer here that has ANY manufacturer in stock. I have no idea why either.

  6. Count me in on this! I need new brushes!

  7. I'm in, I've only ever used GW brushes (with the exception of the odd craft shop brush for undercoating and drybrushing...)

  8. count me in in this too, thanks

  9. Count me in.. could be interesting to see how they work in comparison to the Series 7s. Cheers!

  10. Count me in please? I need new brushes!

  11. New brushes are always appreciated

  12. Please count me in, some good brushes would be wonderful!

  13. Wow, yes please, I would love these. Man, this blog is just one big free for all! I love it! ;)

  14. I would be interested in giving them a try

    1. Well done you are the first name out of the hat


  15. Great stuff! Count me in again!

  16. Nice! Please consider me in on this.

  17. Yes please and thanks for doing these giveaways.

  18. Can never have enough brushes. I'm in!

  19. You are a true gentleman. Count me in please.

  20. How kind of R&Co and yourself! Count me in if you will!

  21. I have always wanted to see the difference between a quality brush, and a cheap one. (I've got the cheap ones)

  22. I'm in always looking for some new paint brushes!

  23. I promise those brushes will be destroyed if given to me.
    I even can do a video of their last minutes. promise.

  24. I've got serious competition on these. Congratulations on the turn out Ian!

  25. I love me some good quality brushes...

  26. Well brushes never go amiss.. count me in

  27. Well, would I be a better painter with good brushes? Hum... just for the sake of knowledge, you know, I'm in! ;)

  28. Oh definately need to be in for these. If you could see the state of my painting materials you would send these to me straight away out of pity!

  29. Really nice brushes , and a good company to deal with.

  30. Rosemary and Co brushes are very nice and I have turned to them in the last few months and I am really impressed, especially when compared to Army Painters and GW brushes.

  31. Please include me in this one; if I win, I'll paint up an Austrian Napoleonic general and label him "The General with No Name"

  32. Yes please! Those nice fine points will help me paint Phil's 6mm mice.

  33. Giveaways are so much fun. Looks like you're having fun over here.

  34. Great to see so much interest in this giveaway, I am glad I have two lots to give away, better start doing the spreadsheets soon LOL


  35. I would definitely like to try out these brushes. I haven't really experimented much with brushes from different companies, so I'd be interested to experience the difference it can make.

  36. Good oh! Although already a Rosemary convert, these are damn' fine brushes.

  37. Brushes are like dice. You can't have to many. I'm in!

  38. The more the merrier, again I am so happy with the support I have had from some of the suppliers and am chuffed with the response


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  40. Love Rosemary brushes! I’m in!


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