
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Project Waterloo

Lee was over earlier collecting his part of an order I had placed with Adler, mostly Russians as it happens but still the main influence on this post. Well part of his order was the final bits of his French Guard so that helped.

As has been mentioned Lee and myself are looking to do the Battle of Waterloo on and around the 200th Anniversary of the actual battle. Lets be clear, this will not be a display game nor participation game, no it's going to be a US game. Not that either of us expect or hope that it will just be the pair of us, we want some mates to be involved though the figures in play will be either mine or Lee's unless something changes. Lee is planning on making up some new terrain boards specially for the battle and has already started work on modifying available buildings for some of the key fought over locations and I have to say doing a credible job with the Leven Buildings I have seen so far.

Between us we have a fair amount of French but still need a lot more, especially cavalry. The British are almost done but the allied contingents are very sparse and in some cases none existent at this point but Lee will be sorting these out. As for the Prussians I got that look from him when I showed him the Twelve Battalions in the process of inking, not because these represent a four month target done in the first twelve days but rather the comment I made stating these of course were not at Waterloo but were at the other battles just prior. A mix of sympathy and loathing best describes his look. But when all is said and done I have the flags for these guys  :-)

Well in fact these could be used as any of the regular line regiments if I choose to not worry about the flags though the real reason to do these as the none Waterloo regiments is that I have had the idea that all the Prussians in the battle will be Adler. This is still possible but having now seen the Adler Prussian castings against the painted Baccus I am starting t think I may well just go along with a mix of the two as the Baccus infantry do rather look good, much better than the current French which are the only Baccus Napoleonic figures I have painted to date. What it does do though is really make me excited about the soon to be released Baccus new look French, something of a blessing given the amount I am bound to be painting over the next two years!

Anyway as I was saying, I now have a bunch of Adler Prussians and will be getting these started around the end of March as they have to be handed over to the family who are buying them for me for my Birthday. Usually I get money for me to spend post the day but this year I will be getting to unwrap them. It's one of the Infantry packs and four or five cavalry packs including a number of regiments that were not actually at Waterloo that will still get painted up between now and when I will not need them. Well I have not forgotten about my Borodino project that I will continue to add to as time goes on, nor have I forgotten about the Peninsular even though that has nothing to do with these Prussians.

So expect regular(ish) updates on both Lee's and my progress and how we stand time wise as the months tick by. As yet Lee has no actual plan of what needs doing per month but that will not be an issue as I suspect other than the Guard all his troops will enter his house just needing basing and flagging (cheat!!) my real concern is working out exactly how many French units need to be painted and adding these to my Prussian list. The Prussians will not be an issue as even if we go for the whole campaign I can easily keep ahead of the schedule with one painting session a week. Lee does not as yet have a lot of French so I am expecting a fairly high quantity of units being required. 

Funding has to be the last word, well the first as well. This has been covered rather nicely between Birthday gifts and the sale of my Irregular French and Prussians. The sale alone netted me £350 so my wargames neutral is safe and sound.


  1. This is a big project. But you know it will be epic and so worth it when it's done. Best wishes to you both.

  2. An amazing and worthwhile project! I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing what you both come up with.

  3. Sounds like a plan, good luck top you and Lee!

  4. Good luck on an interesting and large project.

  5. Ian and Mark did Waterloo over Christmas. They were using Grand Armee (fast play) and it took them 12 hours to complete.

    Good luck fella!

  6. Best of luck with this Ian, you've got have a plan!

  7. Wow, great project. You've time for it - enjoy the ride!

  8. This is a great project and once you have the armies for Waterloo, you can fight Ligny, and Vittoria and anything else Peninsular and anything 1806. Good luck.

  9. Thanks guys and gel, well I get reinforcements on Monday so can continue the build up. It's great to have such a long period to get things ready as long as I don't sit back



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