
Saturday 9 March 2013

Prussian Progress

I had hoped to start the Prussian infantry before the start of March but in the end I got them started just as March was settling in. Only had a few sessions on them so far so lots to do. I have 12 units to paint up in total, all Line Infantry and the schedule I have worked out calls for three bases per month to have enough ready to re-fight Waterloo on it's 200th anniversary.

This half of the pile still has the blanket rolls to be painted, behind them you can see French and ECW waiting their turn (again). Each base will have 24 figures in column or line with a further four out front as a skirmish screen. As is most of my Napoleonic's these are Baccus and paint up really quickly.

These brave boys have the blankets done, need to crack on with the other half to get them to this stage. Then it's muskets, backpack, shako cover and odd paper rosette, drums, swords, facings etc. if all goes well I will have them finished early next week though painting time is in short supply for the next three days. I am hoping to get on to what is probably the last entry in the challenge from me.

The sages to date are. Prime in Ultramarine Blue, heavy dry brush Dark Prussian Blue, light dry brush Prussian Blue, Red Leather for the flesh then paint cheeks  nose and chin in Flat Flesh. Trousers in Blue Grey Pale. Then a white strap for the backpack (other hidden by the blanket roll). Then the blanket roll in Sky Grey. I think I am about half way through these but no matter as when done I will be way in front of where I need to be.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed painting my Baccus Prussians. All bazillion of them!


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