
Friday 19 April 2013

Photo Taking Upgrade

Work has a few advantages, money for figures for one ;-) But a nice little bonus is the Photo Table I use at work. Looks perfect for taking shots of whatever has come off the painting desk that is when I have the energy to actually paint something. Oh for an idea of scale, those lamps are over one square foot rims, I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with them.

Talking of painting, it's been fairly dry here but I have been doing some. I should have the ECW figures all finished before the end of the week and I have a Regiment of Prussians ready to go which will be started straight after the ECW boys are done. I am going to change things about a bit as I have struggled some just recently. The Project Waterloo will be done in the first part of the month and once the minimum has been painted up I will move onto the other items on my list. I still have two more 15mm ECW infantry regiments to do for Matt and all his Zulu's, these will take priority most of the time but I also have a lot of Leven buildings I really want to get sorted, especially the Timber Framed houses. But I also want more of those so need to put in an order soon. I have a few other things I want from Leven so I don't see that pile shrinking any time soon. I also have a lot of Spanish houses in 6mm that need to be painted up, though I have started these already. 

Due to the BIG ask for Project Waterloo expect 6mm to take up the lions share of the painting time, though I have plenty of 15mm for my own pleasure. I still have a lot of 28mm figures I need to get moving onto my desk as well. If that was not enough, I also have started a set of three 54mm figures but more on that in a future post as I will be needing a little advice.

Triples is not that far away now and I believe the new Baccus French will be available by then. I will be throwing some money their way if they are, that's for sure. I also plan to get more Adler as well so my 6mm pile will again be well topped up. As for 15mm I noticed that Essex will be at Triples, that means I need to see what I have to get to turn the Roman Principle army into a reality under FoG:R. Also a visit to Magister Militum for more of their excellent figures, one can see that I will have plenty to keep me busy.

So hoping I will manage a better rate of posts again but for a short period it will remain a little up and down, but things will settle into a better post rate.


  1. The new postage rates are ridiculous, if I'm buying a large quantity of anything anymore I think I'll be buying it at a show! And my prize arrived this morning!!! Thanks they're pretty cool!!!!!

  2. One of the things I've been working on during my blogging break is improving my photography. I need a set up like that!

  3. Very nice. Can't wait to see what the photographs you take there will look like.

  4. @ Ray, yes the new rates will change a few things, not least buying from abroad!

    Talking of which, @ Anne, your photography is already miles ahead of the rest of us, but yes this would help further LOL

    @ Sean, I'm hoping you don't have so long to wait, got some quality time last night so on my way



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