
Sunday 21 April 2013

The Loot not from SaLute.

Nice to see all the posts from you lucky buggers back from Salute. I myself managed to score a little none show purchase action when I was at Nottingham shopping for footwear for the kids. 

I popped into Model Zone (not the best place given the eye watering costs) just for a quick nosy. I had hoped to get some Matt Varnish but they only had a half can of Humbrol and I was not tempted. But fear not I found a bag of bushes darker than the ones I am using at the moment. I don't plan to swap them out, rather add these to the mix. I picked up a Vallejo off white as I have been meaning to get some of this for awhile and at shows it always seems to be out of stock. Next up was a bottle of brush cleaner but maybe this is the wrong one. Advice is sought from experienced brush cleaners, especially as I have a bunch of new brushes on the way from Rosemary & Co. I am trying the triangular ones and the other Red Sable brushes rather than the Series 33 (well actually as well as if I'm honest. Last up is a tube of White Putty I will be using to fill gaps in a new project I am finally starting, more on this in a coming post as I show you how it looks at the moment.

I also decided to fund the Arena Rex that was part of the giveaway. I had meant to do so but was not sure I could really stretch to the level I wanted to go for but had a moment of weakness and well my credit card was in reach  ;-)

So December will hopefully see me get about twelve of the figures from the range. Meantime I must get the one I already own prepped and on the table but here and now it's got to be all about the 6mm boys, especially as I want to reinforce them in less than a month. I think I will blitz what I have in an attempt to show I can shift a fair few. It will also be good for my health.

You think I am kidding? Friday was a real trial, found it hard to keep up my speed at work and focus was starting to slip. But Saturday at Nottingham really sucked monkey balls. By the time we came home I was in fairly high levels of pain and really fatigued. Finally forced myself to do an hour or so of painting late on as I was feeling just gash. About half an hour in I was feeling so much better again. Tonight I finished off Matt's foote regiment as well as mine and I feel so much better. I need to make sure I do some more during the week as well as I think it will help the last part of the week. It will be good for productivity as well.


  1. Modelzone prices...we're rather flush:D

  2. Greetings fellow non-Saluter! It's good that you bought some things yesterday and I'm sure you are worn down to the nub with work and all.

    Take care of yourself!

  3. I thought that was a bag of weed, swear to god. :P

  4. Woodland Scenics will get you high man! But not a bad haul of not Salute swag. I have no clue about the brush cleaner. I only just started using the soap that comes in the plastic jar. Maybe I need some painting therapy. I'm trying to ignore my responsibilities by watching tv.

  5. You see, who needed to travel all the way down to the smoke, when you can yourself a haul like that in your own town!

  6. As for the brush cleaner, I suppose it depends upon what you paint with (acrylics, enamels, etc.). I use brush soap. It is a round cake for about $15, and it works. You put water on the brush, "paint" the cake developing a lather, wipe it out on a paper towel, rinse and repeat. Tougher to use with super-fine brushes, like 10/0 and 20/0, as it is too abrasive for that small. In those cases there is a liquid pink brush soap you can buy in bottles at art stores. Finally, straight Future (Klear) does a good job of dissolving paint, just be sure to wash it out well afterwards.

  7. @ Fran, er no, Model Zone I WAS flush ;-)

    @ Anne, yes worn but getting a lot of help at work, they are doing their best for me so can't say enough good things about them. They knew I was not on form and need to be looked after and still took me, not many do that these days.

    @ Jason, should I ask how you know ;-)

    @ get the therapy, it pays in the end LOL

    @ Steve, naughty! :-)

    @ Michael, not as good as another persons but then again I just spent near £40 on brushes and £100 on Arena Rex so had better shut up LOL

    @ Dale, I do use a lot of small brushes so take your point. My brushes last quite awhile but would like to look after them better



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