
Sunday 14 July 2013

The Chatter Behind the Bike Sheds

Having seen a few photo's of other bloggers paint desks I thought I would have a closer look at mine tonight. I'm not brave enough to zoom out and show you the rest of the desk but instead lets take a tour around the epicentre of my miniature world.

The old and the new all in one shot. Centre back of this photo you may pick out the three British cavalry from the charge of the light brigade dio, well I have continued to work on the prep, filling in the holes and gaps, just need to sand it down and prime it then it will be started. To the left of it is a WWII British Fighter Pilot from Ultracast a 1/32 model I am painting up for my boss so she can give it her husband for Christmas (yes I am that much of a creep!) This will push me to work on the Crimea one as well so it's not all bad.
The jumble below is some of the 15mm ECW I preped at the end of last month and will be starting to paint sometime this week and some old Baccus French that are supposed to be painted as French allies but keep being put off by other needs. I think I have to put all five battalions back in their box to await their turn which has been pushed back further and further.
My work in progress of the moment. Three battalions of the 12th Prussian reserve regiment. These I hope to have finished by Wednesday allowing me a good run at Matt's ECW. I have just the two regiments to finish then I can move onto his Zulu's. Also in shot is the Ox Gall Liquid I hope will work the same as the none delivered Flow Aid but having read a few comments I have my doubts. It may be that they have used too much so that's what I am pinning my hopes on.
The other three French allied battalions and a Leven building that just is waiting it's turn for more work, should get to it soon but all the new stuff keeps getting in the way. 
Anyone remember the French command figures? well I still have twelve figures to finish which is another round to it and hiding in front of them are two Prussians that have not even made it to being sprayed yet.

So quite a few hours worth of work sitting in the wings, a mix of getting a job and the hour heavy Project Waterloo mean that some of these items would have been painted and off the table by now but still sit there. The good news is that the painting of the Prussians is speeding up and I am finding that I am starting to get a few more hours a week at the desk. Monday to Friday I try to paint on average somewhere between one and two hours which does gallop through the figures. This month looks to be the best month since I started back at work so things look good.

Don't forget the blog giveaway of the Mithridates Book, a good read even if your not into the enemies of Rome.


  1. I do love a sneaky peek at other's work areas, thank you for the insight Ian.

  2. Great to see your painting table, looks very busy!!

  3. Very busy Ian but you need to be brave!

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how people manage to paint several figures aligned on one 'painting stick'. I know many do, and I understand that it is really efficient for painting multiple figures, but I just can't get the hang of it. However, it doesn't stop me from admiring those who can, so I'll just sit and sulk in the corner.......

  5. @ Andrew, chaos is a very good word for it. Last night i finished so late I never even got started, so much for paint every night LOL.

    @ Michael, yes something about others work areas is very fascinating and probably insightful

    @ Ray, It is busy, need to clear it a bit for more head space, I tend to work faster with a bit more space

    @ James, if only I panned out to show the greater mass, but as I am trying to not notice it, I think it's not a good idea ;-)

    @ Fran, maybe, or just plain stupid, that has carried me through a few knocks in my time

    @ Gunrunner, don't sulk in a corner, please do it in the open so we can all enjoy it ;-) Actually it's only the last year or so I have gone over to sticks and only for 6mm. Tamsin does 15mm on sticks, I do mine on bottle tops. Err, is there room in that corner for me too? :-)



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