
Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Joy of Six this Weekend

Well it's the Joy of Six this weekend, being the first actual convention just for 6mm and you can expect it to be top draw for sure. Some of the displays just should not be missed, the ECW battle using a scale of one 6mm figure to represent one actual soldier and users a 30' Table. 

That's not the only display game, in fact never has so many display games been put on in 6mm at any UK show I am sure. This is only matched by the number of participation games on offer! Peter at Baccus has certainly worked his magic to bring this one off and given the buzz around the blogs and the Baccus forum it's going to be a cracker.

It's well worth getting there early as the first 100 through the door are getting a goody bag with amongst other items will be some figures and inserted in these bags at random will be gift vouchers to use with any of the traders. Top marks I feel, so with that in mind my plan of campaign was set out nice and early.

Now for a few weeks now I have been rather smug in the knowledge that I would be attending the con whilst my main opponents are otherwise engaged, yes I know not the best of human traits but I am a gamer when all is said and done ;-)

So the irony of today was not totally wasted on me. You see after just under four months in gainful employment and more than the odd early start or late finish (with the odd early start and late finish) and a tendency to do the odd couple of hours Saturday morning and Sunday Evening (China works Saturdays and is seven hours ahead of us) I have never had to work a full day over the weekend, indeed it's only expected when I am over in China to do so. So it was more than something of a surprise that I HAVE to put in a lot of hours over this weekend and Saturday really is off limits, I have a trip to Foundry to check it out for Blog-Con nicely dovetailed with taking the family to the food fare followed by my nieces 18th Birthday family get together. It's unavoidable, between now and two weeks time I have to do a lot more hours just to stay on top of a number of projects, let alone get ahead so I can take time off whilst the kids are on holiday. 

All this obviously means no Joy of Six for me, a real bummer as I had planned to meet up with a number of other bloggers and games related friends and to be honest it's possibly the most looked forward too show for me as the main attraction for me was the relaxed feel of the show, something only Blog-Con looks to share with this show as commercialisation is not the byword. Obviously Baccus and the other traders hope (probably even expect) to make a profit but that's not really what the show is about, it's about CELEBRATING 6mm. When did you last go to a show and feel the love? Again harking back to Blog-Con that is very much the core of James idea and that's why I do not just expect both to be a success but actually KNOW they will. 

This is why missing the first Joy of Six really sucks, those who can lean against the bar in ten years time loudly proclaim that they were at the first Joy of Six can rightly take the glory of the day and bask in the knowledge that whilst they may be fat, they may be ugly, they are likely to be old as well, but sure in the knowledge that they can piss off all of us off who can not make that claim!

So Peter and the rest of you, have a good day, do play to hard, do laugh to loud and please save me a seat next year. I may well not be missed but I will miss you.


  1. bummer sorry to hear your woes I know you were looking forward to this

  2. Sorry pal, was looking forward to hooking up again. That's a real shame.

  3. That's a damn shame! sorry you'll miss the show.

  4. That really sucks as I know how much this meant to you! :(

  5. @ All, thanks for the kind words, yep it sucks but next year I will not only be there but will be putting on the demo game :-)



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