
Saturday 10 August 2013

Building of the Week Spanish Farmhouse by Timecast

This Spanish Farmhouse 8/007 by Timecast £4.00 has been sitting part painted for the last six plus months so I thought I had best finish it off. This is the last of the Timecast buildings that I currently own now all finished but I am fairly sure it's not the last of their buildings that I will buy. Indeed they have finally released an English windmill that I will probably pick up at the next show I go to that they are there. I think it could sit well with the Leven one though having metal sails it comes in at a much higher price but also has a rather nice millers hut/house.

This is one of the larger Spanish buildings that Timecast do. I decided it was another of the posh gaffs so it also managed to get a white paint job as only the toffs can afford. Unlike the previous building I just based this one on my standard 60x60 base. It's a bit close to the edge but I am OK with that.

Typical of many Timecast buildings it has built in bushes around the sides of the building which I always feel the need to cover with Woodland Scenic's bushes. Often they look really good and I accept I would not think to do this otherwise but in the odd case like this one they go overboard. They cover three of the four sides almost totally and with the added height of the added more realistic clumps kind of dominates the model.

I do like the model and actually also like the result from the clumps but it would have been better if it was a little bit more restrained. At least it's not like this on all the buildings and does give a point of difference to the rest so it's not all bad  ;-)

One door way though is quite obscured but I guess no one wants to see the smelly peasants coming and going. The usual attempt at a terracotta roof, but that was part of the building done months ago. In fact almost all of the building was painted months ago. I had a little painting and a lot of basing to do to finish it off. Sometimes I wonder why such things get so close to being finished and then crash to a halt. 

I now have eleven Total Battle Miniatures Spanish buildings left to paint and when they are done I will have all the Spanish buildings painted, and boy will that be a lot of buildings. Not that that will stop me buying more at some point but for now I think I have plenty. 

I am fairly sure what the next few buildings of the week are but I also have brought home from work some packaging materials that I have a few ideas for so it's possible the next building may be a week or two away.


  1. Nice looking building. I totally get the stopping before the model is finished thing. That's why I have so much partially completed stuff.

    1. I am not too bad as I don't put away the part finished unit/building so it annoys me enough to finish off.

      Now part finished projects..............


  2. Like this one Ian, perfect for the Peninsular.

    1. Yes it fits in with the rest I have. I think the majority of the 6mm games we will play will be in the Peninsular, Waterloo is but a distraction, though it and Russia will still get a fair shake of the dice


  3. Nicely done. Great looking building.

  4. Love it. And I love the little trees and doorways. Or they look like doorways. Either way, very nice.

  5. @ Chris, Thanks, was a nice building to paint up.

    @ Happy, yes they are doorways, they have yellow panted around the frames to ward off the devil (Spanish folklore has it that the devil hates the colour yellow and won't cross any boundary so coloured



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