
Friday 9 August 2013

Holiday Bonus

After four months in the job I finally take a week off as holiday. After near two years of less than low activity the fast pace has been hard to get used to and has been especially bad this last month or so with me taking naps in ever increasing amounts. So a rest was a little overdue and very much appreciated. Given it's the school holidays I will have a week with the kids and whilst we won't be out every day we plan on doing a fair few trips out. 

But as an added bonus the book I ordered off Amazon Marketplace arrived. I am sure you have guessed what it is. I have seen this book going for £15-£25 consistently so when I saw it for just over £4 I did not hesitate. For a little under £7 all in I got this posted from the States, you just have to love the Marketplace for that type of deal. 

I did not expect too much as it was listed as average condition but in fact I would list it as good. It's an ex-library book but looks to have not been popular. I now can add this to my reading list. I have read the second volume a month or so back (flip back to see the review) and already know some of the things Hofschroer has to say will annoy I still look forward to reading it, especially since agreeing to put on Quatre Bras. I may even read exerts to the figures to give them a little morale boost.

Talking of Library it seems the local town library is having a book sale next Friday so we will pop over and see if they have anything to tempt me, the kids are sure to come away with books, they love reading and had finished the local library challenge within ten days of it opening (read six books over eight weeks) OK neither was reading War and Peace but they put in some serious time in.  I am pleased to report that since finishing the challenge they have continued to read like mad.


  1. I am not sure I can totally agree. He paints a disparaging view of any none German unit whilst playing up the German achievements to balance the skewed English language texts. This is his own admittance, I would much preferred for him to have given a balanced view. I am left with the knowledge that both sides lie about the various activities of those few days but am expected to work out which is telling the truth.

    I just feel he had the chance to raise himself above that but failed. Plus he looks a conceited tit on the dust cover of Vol. II ;-)


  2. I love that your kids read. And done with the challenge in only ten days. That's great. Enjoy your holiday time. I know from myself, going back after being gone. Oy, it is not easy.

    Cheers to you and your family. And of course, boogie boogie.

  3. Congrats to your kids. That is awesome that they love to read.

  4. Have a fabulous break Ian, you deserve it my good man.

  5. Ian, the truth likely lies somewhere between the two accounts.

  6. Great find and good news about the kids reading. My daughter likes to read but needs to challenge herself more. My son does not like to read at all and I am a little worried about him.

  7. Ooooh, library sale! I love cheap books.


  8. I'm within 10 pages of finishing a re-read of this book. I'm sure you'll find much to enjoy. It may even spark some scenarios.

    Duke of baylen

  9. Indeed you are right. My issue is that he sends many a column inch moaning (quite rightly) about English language accounts being skewed in favour of Wellington and the British but does the same thing himself.

    It would even have been better if he mentioned the English bias then did the same himself. But to go on and on throughout the book about how it's wrong of the Brits to do this and then do it himself just left me scratching my head.

    If he had risen above such poor standards (yes I include most English Language accounts in this) then his work would have been far more valuable. Instead he joins the unfortunate many who can not be judged as true historians or at best failed ones. Still his work is very valuable but a case of what it could have been.

  10. @ Happy and Chris, I agree 100% we are rather proud of them.

    @ Michael, mostly it will be going places local and a fair amount of chill time. Also plenty of time at the painting desk and maybe a few games as well

    @ Roger, yes I am really looking forward to reading it, I was expecting to pay a fair bit more

    @ Sean, I think it's normal for boys to tend to be slow so I would not worry too much. I hated to read (so I am told) but now read a lot. My son though bucks the trend and is almost two years ahead all at the age of six, we hope he continues to love to read.

    @ Ray, I really like Amazon Marketplace for books. It's great if your not needing a pristine copy especially if you like to read a lot. My wife averages more than two books a week when she is in the grove

    @ FMB, By Friday night I expect to be a poorer man in cash but we will be a much richer family overall ;-)

    @ Duke, I am sure I will thanks, I have just started the next to last Wheel of Time Book and will have to hold off until that is finished but that's no bad thing. Maybe I need to hold off buying any more books for a bit as they are mounting up



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