
Thursday 5 September 2013

And Now For Something Completely Different.......

This again was not what I intended to paint up the other day, that's just undecorated waiting turn at bat. So instead I did this Ral Partha beastman or such like. I actually bought it and nine others for a specific campaign which never quite got to the stage I needed the figures. I am now hoping I have the chance again and as such want to get them all painted up, but this one was just for the fun of painting something that bit off centre. Can anyone guess the book series I have based the campaign on and what the name of the creature?

Cath again has taken the pictures and I really think she did me proud. The horrible creature that is half human and half beast is sporting a longbow and looks like he does not like you very much.

He is wearing leather armour for his upper body and I decided to do his arm brace in bronze rather than a more useful leather, after all you can take a few liberties with Fantasy. The base actually needs a bit of tidying up where the basing gunk runs off a little but that's not much of a job.

As you would expect it was a pleasant diversion for an evening and it was great to finally get the paint onto this old miniature. The added bonus was making use of the flocking powder and tufts to make the flowers on the base. I really love how they came out and how they have not been ruined on varnishing the figure.

Good news for someone is that I will be giving away as part of my blog giveaway eight tubs of flocking powder to one lucky follower, the giveaway starts in just a few days, consider yourself pre-warned LOL.


  1. Nice figure ! very good painting work!
    The books ???? I can't say .... Narnia Chronicles ?

    Giveaway: I'm pre-warned too !

  2. Looks fantastic. Where did you dig up the fig?


  3. Cath has a very good eye, please do tell her that I enjoy her photographs. I don't know the book series, though.

  4. Nice figure and the flowers came out great. I'll keep my eyea peeled for the giveaway.

  5. @ Ray, any day now ;-)

    @ Sam, Thanks but your way off on the guess

    @ Firemonkeyboy, again, thanks. I bought it years ago from Spirit Games along with his palls. Another has the date of 1994, in fact having checked, a number have this date on them.

    @ Spooky, I have told my sweet lady, she was suitably pleased.

    @ Andrew, thanks and good, I think I have that in the right order ;-)

    @ Sean, I really like the way the flowers came out as the creatures come from out of The Blight where all things good rot away so it's a play on that.

    The book series is The Wheel of Time by Robert Jorden. The creatures are humanoid and called Trollorc's, anyone think he may have stolen a name from one or more creatures???


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The Wheel of Time?? I think that I've read some books of R. Jordan many years ago ...

    3. The Wheel of Time series ran to 14 books in the end and survived Jordan by three books that had to be finished by the author Jordan's widow brought in.


  6. Good to hear. She's a keeper, that one.

    1. Don't tell things like that, I try to keep her thinking she is the lucky one ;-)



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