
Wednesday 4 September 2013


If you want in you have until the end of September for the Secret Santa and the end of the week for The Santa Clause.

Secret Santa = Buy and receive a gift of about £15 value (or equivalent in other money) of wargames related item/s see below for full details.

Santa Clause = Give a figure/s of about £5 value and receive same, again full details below.

If your name is not on the lists below but you want in let me know in comments below.

Same goes if you want it removed, just let me know.

All who are joining in in either of these, can you please send me an e-mail giving me your name and address (along with blog) so I can pass on to Cath so she can draw targets for each of us. You can reach me at ian_willey at hot     mail        DOT       CoM just don't forget to remove the spaces and all lower case etc etc.

Can you do this in the next few days/week as time will run out soon enough.

Thanks for all who want to join in this time around

The Secret Santa is already bigger than last years and I expect as the months tick off we will get more interest so if your looking on from the side lines and want to join in, just leave a comment below. Directly below is the names of all who have said they want to join in with names of a few who have shown interest but was not sure. If your name should be on any of the lists and is not, just let me know. If you want removing just do the same. If it's not but you want to join in then shout out. Below these is the list of all the Santa Clause participants, again if you want adding let me know, or if you want moving from one list to the other. You can like me, join in both.

Secret Santa's Signed Up.
Andy McMaster
Conrad Kinch
James Brewerton
Michael Awdrey*
Thomas Nissvick
Ian Willey

So all but one of last years Secret Santa's have signed up already!

Possible SS participants
Pauls Bods
*Michael may move to Santa Clause or do both

Now a recap of the rules.

1. To enter you need to either have a blog or be a regular follower of this blog already. This is to give confidence to all involved that everyone will follow through to the end. If you have a blog and don't follow this one it's OK to join in.

2. The present should be around £15 plus postage (best to buy the present actually in the country the receiver lives in so cutting down postage costs)

3. It's OK to have a wish list but it's just as good to buy something you think the person would like. Blog details of your target are given so you can snoop.

4. Whilst it's not essential it really added to Cath's enjoyment when the SS checked in with her to let her know target had incoming.

5. You should pimp the Secret Santa on your blog to hopefully increase the numbers joining in.

6. You should sign up by last day of September so to allow time for picking gifts, that's THIS month.

7. Gifts should arrive by 20th December if possible. It's fine to get the supplier to send direct and I would be cheeky and ask them to gift wrap  ;-)

8. Item/s should be wargame related though it's OK to throw in something odd if you want to.

Santa Clause 
James Brewerton
Francis Lee (FRAN)
Michael Audrey * see above
Thomas Nissvick
Chris Stoesen
Ian Willey

The idea is that each person involved buys a figure or figures to the value of less than £5 and paints them up to fit in with what the target blogger wargames or collects. Best would be some kind of command for the bigger scales but maybe a unit or two of such as 6mm or a building or... you get the idea.

I am not offering this as a cheap alternative so much as a great opportunity to send and receive something that will be special BECAUSE it's a one off from a fellow blogger. Not that you have to limit yourself to something useful, feel free to paint up something that will just sit aside the painting desk or study etc and just give pleasure.

So that's the idea, two ways to connect with your blogging friends and get something really exciting at Christmas. I await your response ;-)


  1. Do we have to have the items painted by the end of September?

    1. Hi Chris

      no just registered interest. Once Cath has all the address's of those taking part she will send you your target and you then can look at there blog and decide what to pint them. You want to aim to have the item/s arrive by 20th December to make sure they have it for Christmas Day


  2. I do have military figures so I can meet that requirement!

  3. You are awesome. Thanks for setting this up again.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.