
Saturday 21 September 2013

Building(S) of the Week - Medieval House A-B Leven Miniatures

Been quite a dry month for painting so far with not a lot finished and far less time spent at my desk. Managed four hours this morning though so hope to show some more figures here during the coming week.

Anyway on with the buildings, started them on Tuesday with a total of three sessions in total spent on these two and a third I will be posting about later in the week. Here we have two of the buildings I recently had delivered from Leven Miniatures. They are part of the Medieval/Saxon range and I figured they would look OK as part of my town, the old part of the town to be exact. 

These will also be great for the future ECW battles we will be having once we have enough troops painted up (how often do you have all the buildings painted up before the figures?). These two are MED04 and MED03 and cost £2.50 each and are the usual Leven standard. I wanted to go for old looking and got the effect on the left hand one with inks whilst MED03 had chestnut brown ink added to the woodwork rather untidily and then the top coat (Vallejo German Camouflage Beige) painted over the recess area's just a little thin which gives a bit of a mottled finish.

To help with the generally run down and unplanned look I staggered the buildings. I really want another four or six of these or similar that I plan to add to a few bases either in rows or in a winding fashion. I'm really pleased with the end result and think I can do them different enough to keep them looking none regular.

I plan to change a couple such as removing the chimney or removing the brick pattern on them. I may also add a lean too or such to one or more to show that it's been changed since being built. I also went with wooden tiles for the roofs, after all we all like a good fire when we wargame!

Some of the tiles on the closest building have been replaced (more on the other side) so they are not totally forgot about. If you look close you will see the roof is just that but bowed and some of the rows of tiles have slightly bigger tiles in parts or are not evenly placed with the odd row being set further back. Nothing that sticks out a great deal but adds to the ramshackle effect.

The ink used on the roof was Vallejo flesh tone and the walls were treated to Sepia from the same range. The HMG matt varnish took just the right amount of sheen off the models, that is to say it matted them right down! Still love that varnish though it takes an age to dry.

I'm wondering if I can get three maybe four of these on a 60mm square base. That would be some serious real estate for Broke Row. At £2.50 you can get through a fair bit of dosh if you want to do crowded over a larger area but it will look great. Also cost is relative, if you compare with the other market leaders it would be a chunk more. 

Next week I will do an update showing the town with all the buildings I have finished and based laid out. I still have a fair few to base and oh so many more waiting to be painted. I think I could go to Derby next weekend, spend not a penny and still have a couple of years worth of stuff to paint. Not that I am planning on spending much, but I am so looking forward to the show though.


  1. splendid!
    I'm very surprised to see such detailed houses in that scale... and your painting work is awesome!

  2. They're really nice!I've said it before, but I wish they made some 15mm stuff!!

  3. you slacker, get those brushes out more. Great looking buildings BTW

  4. Awesome work on the buildings Ian!

  5. I did some of the Leven middle east buildings, absolutely love em. They were fun to paint.

  6. Great work on the wood parts! I really like how you paint these buidings!


  7. Very nice work there and the detail on those building is amazing

  8. @ Sam, the detail is half the story, Mike also adds texture making the buildings much more fun and easy to paint

    @ Ray, He has 10mm on the workbench it's always possible he will upscale later, I just want him to stick with 6mm though ;-)

    @ James, did over 8 hours yesterday so am back on track to get what I need done, may get more done but another three birthdays this week.

    @ Roger, thanks as I mentioned it was rather easy to get the results given how crisp they were.

    @ Mike, I have looked at them, they do not fit in with what I am doing but I really like them. I have yet to find a building by Leven that's not fun though the Fachwerkhauser are as close as it comes as they are very labour intensive but the finished product is well worth the effort.

    @ Peter, The wood was typically easy and looks good when you know how. I painted it a suitably dark wood colour just lighter than I wanted it and then added Chestnut Brown drawing ink (Winsor & Newton)which then not only darkened it but also picked out the sculptured grain. Yes wood grain in 6mm!

    @ PanzerKaput, I still get a little surprised myself with some of his work. He has also come on some in the last 6 months where his finish is so much stronger than before and that was not tardy.


  9. I second Ray with 15mm maybe in 1813 Saxony style, its hard to find nice priced for naps. You've done a great job on these!


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