
Sunday 22 September 2013

The Giveaway RESULTS

OK I got up made myself a Drink and started to crank up Random.Org for the numbers. Last night I wrote up the spreadsheet and added the last few on getting up. One thing I like about Giveaways is seeing what is the most popular of the items and er, what tanks. So before the results here are the items in order of popularity.

Brushes with 52 requests beating out the rest by a country mile
Salute Figure
Flocking Powder
Leven Buildings
Both DVD's scored the same but had a mix of different and same person requests
54mm Figure
Tarawa, A Hell Of A Way To Die

So this will be the order I will give the results.

The Brushes was always Ray's, after all he said they were. I don't know how he bloody does it but yet again the bugger wins top prize. I think I won't bother entering any draw the lucky sod goes in for!

Salute Figure The last guy to put his name down gets the prize, well done Peter

Flocking Powder This has been won by Mike, who I think would have a bit of bother getting into The Works so it's a good score.

Leven Miniatures Thomas N comes in good (did you not win the last lot?) so nip over to Leven pick your buildings and I will get them on order for you. I have even added a link to make it easier for you.

Immortals & Thin Red Line where won by the same person so well done Chris

54mm Figure-the painting of was one by Tamsin, now all Tamsin has to do is find the figure she is not sure that is made, oh fun ;-)

Tarawa is all for Gary Amos

And that wraps up the prize giving. Thanks to all for entering the giveaway. If things go as expected today will be rather aptly that page views will pass the 200,000 mark, now that's hot sauce! As much as we may play it down sometimes, it's the continued interest from others that spurs on blog writing and that in turn gets us to pick up our brushes so thanks for the support.

If any of you lucky winners are at Derby next weekend can you let me know and I will bring along your prizes. Otherwise can you e-mail me your address

ian_willey @ hot   mail   dot      com

Again thanks to all that entered and thanks to all that visit and especially comment on my posts, as some know it has been a source of strength when most other things seemed to be going base over apex.


  1. Does Ray host It's the only plausible explanation!


  2. Congrats to all the winners!! Well done again Ray!!

  3. That Ray really is a jammy git. Mind you, my luck on prize draws has been pretty good too, so I can't complain too loudly about Ray. Especially as I'm a winner again on this draw!

    Ian - what I have in mind is a figure of a Royal Navy Leading Seaman 1954/55. I have no idea where to start finding such a figure (or if there even would be one). Failing that, maybe a Mongol chieftain.

    1. There's this -

      But I'm not sure what uniform differences there'd be.

    2. Direct link -

    3. Thanks Edward for the link.

      Not sure what Tamsin has in mind but the date, I am thinking she has someone in mind and I think the exact figure is going to be next to impossible to track.

      However that would be a great miniature if Tamsin was to decide on a wider scope but keeping it with the navy


    4. Uniform would do (can't see the hat properly - depends on how the cap tally's fastened), but he's wearing the wrong webbing and carrying the wrong rifle.

    5. Ian - yup, spot on. My father was a LS in 54/55 and I was thinking this would make a nice Xmas gift for him.

      However, I haven't been able to find a figure, but I've found a couple of other interesting figures that I'm sure he'd appreciate.

  4. Congrats to all winners!
    But wait a second. The Salute figure is won by Peter. Is that me? Did I win something? This is the first time! Hurray, thanks Ian!


  5. Ray again.
    Congrats all.

  6. I wanted those bloody brushes, lol, well done Ray and all

  7. Woohoo. I'll have to bring some bases along to have a play with the flock at Derby.

    1. Ah bugger, it's the other Mike !!! BUT I had already put a set to one side for you as a thanks for all the help over the last two years. No one has had more influence over my painting of 6mm then the gifts of the tiles and the flow aid.

      Was planning it as a little surprise but at least now you know you need the bases LOL


    2. There's too many Mikes on the internet. I am officially changing my internet name to Old Mike.
      Thanks for a great give away; I'm looking forward to trying the flocking powder.

  8. @ Phyllion, that, or the Dark Arts, maybe Fran can tell us, he seems more familiar than anyone else ;-)

    @ Roger, indeed, maybe your turn in the next one.

    @ Tamsin, I have looked and not found anything to match so far. Maybe Captain LOL might know. I suggest you post on your blog your looking for one?

    @ Paulaba, We should have a few pleased peeps

    @ Peter, well done on winning your first prize, will be on it's way to you soon.

    @ Andrew, fortunately you did not go in for and win anything I would have to paint ;-)

    @ The Kiwi, I am sure Fran will be only to happy to pass on his thoughts on this unexpected win by "Jazzy Barstool Raymond the Obvious.

    @ PanzerKaput, and so it seemed did half the hobby!


  9. For fecks sake this has to be a fecking fix, that fecktard only lives down the road from me and I'll never hear the fecking end of this, fecks sake.........congrats to all the winners.....except fecking Ray, Ray you better share some of those brushes you fecking git!

  10. Right! I'm sulking now....


    Congrats to the winners and thanks again to Ian for organising it!

    Maybe next time...


  11. Mwah ha ha!!!!!! As I said those brushes had my name on 'em...........Rosemary!!!! Thanks Ian, I needed some new brushes and the prize is even sweeter knowing that Fran didn't win anything ha ha ha!

  12. Congrats to all! Thanks Ray for the contest!

    1. Ray?


      FECKING RAY????????????????


    2. Someone may not have read the post properly:P

  13. Congrats to all the winners.

  14. Shenanigans, iam calling shenanigans, just kidding congraduations to all the winners.

  15. Bloody bastard Rousell. I didn't enter because I've won so many give aways it just seems greedy. But not that weasel Rousell, he just wins, wins, wins. Oh Fran is pissed for sure!

    Congrats to the winners!

  16. Seems I am hearing from everyone but the winners (with a few exceptions LOL)


  17. WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! nothing for 45 years and then two wins in a fortnight! Can't complain now. Blimey, I'd better start buying lottery tickets ;O)

    Thank you God! Thank you Ian!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Congrats to all winners cept Ray.. cheeky bugger :)

    Great Contest Ian! Thanks for running it!

  20. Nope, I did not win the last batch of Leven but my gaming buddies Laffe and Jocke did, meaning that all three packs of Leven minis will end up on the same game table at some point in time!

    1. So I guess I have the set now LOL

      Will get these ordered and onto the desk as soon as.


    2. Yep, only member of the team left is Daniel and he does not build 6mm som he won't be interested in Leven. If you do a 20mm East Front giveaway, on the other hand...


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