
Sunday 15 September 2013

FINISHED Ultracast RAF Fighter Pilot Battle of Britain 1940

Finally have the figure and base together and call this finished. I will take it to work tomorrow and pass it on to my Boss. It's been a good fun project that with the lack of much high detail work has come along in sizeable chunks. Now I don't profess to be as skilled as most of the larger scale painters but I'm pleased with the results and as it's for a none painter so they will think it's the dog's danglies.

I have to say I was really pleased with the quality of this Ultracast figure, not a lot of clean up work and the details are really crisp.

I originally was going to texture the base and add grass etc. but I changed my mind once the base was sprayed up as he looks right on a high gloss base.

The last stages went really quickly as they were relatively small though the boots had a bit more time spent on them as originally I wanted them polished but went with a matt finish in the end.

Cath spotted that I had failed to do the braid on the cuff on the hand that's in the pocket, fortunately I still had the paint mixed up and was able to paint it on without having to mix it up again and hope to get it the same.

The scarf is glossed in a few area's to give the look of a silk scarf but does not show up here so well. I am pleased to say that when I took the figure in my Boss was really happy with the figure and spent quite a bit of time looking at it which makes the painter in me happy. So tomorrow it gets to go to it's new home. 

Next p in that scale is the three figure base I showed here a few months ago. I already have the flesh done as I did that at the same time as this figure. That one is far more a challenge and will have more update posts that the feller above.


  1. Very nice indeed. I hope your boss's friend is pleased. Well done.

    What's the three figure one?

  2. It looks extraordinarily good. You really captured character in his face. Very nicely done.

  3. Congratulation Ian great work and great paint , love it .

  4. Excellent work Ian - I'm not surprised your boss likes it :)

  5. Looks absolutely fantastic Ian. Great work!

  6. He came out really nicely, I'm sure the recipient will be delighted. The gloss black base works really well too.

  7. Fantastic brush work Ian. Your choice of base gives the figure the elegance it needs.

  8. That's some real fantastic painting Ian, love the glossy base too, they really adds to the whole look of the figure. Top marks Sir!

  9. Stunning work Ian, a very impressive result!!

  10. @ Edwin, Me too, though my boss was real happy when I gave it her earlier. The 3 figure one? well check out todays post it features

    @ AHUNT, Thanks, the figure has bags of detail so it made the job easier

    @ Captain LOL, thanks had lots of fun, plan on having a larger model on the go all the time now.

    @ Tamsin, more a relief actually LOL

    @ Jonathan, thanks,it was a fun paint

    @ Phyllion, once I had the bass gloss painted I started to think it was the way, saved me some work as well LOL

    @ Anne, Thanks Anne, I originally went for a square base but he fits a rectangular base better, oh he is called Harry

    @ Ray, why thank you gent

    @ Roger, Thanks, loved doing him


  11. Lovely lovely work there chief. Well done.

  12. Excellent painted figure!


  13. @ Conrad, Thanks, I had a lot of fun doing it and seeing the look of joy on my Bosses face made it all worth it.

    @ Peter, Thanks I felt it went together well so little pressure and high enjoyment



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