
Monday 16 September 2013

What Another Giveaway?

No not another give away, more a continuation of the last one ;-)

I have three more items to add to the items on offer HERE. Same rules apply as before with this one addition. If you have already put your name down for one or more of the other prizes you can still enter this one. 

Indeed you can go for one or all prizes in both giveaways. If you win one prize you remain in for the rest. You have till I pick the winners on the 22nd September so not much longer. So what are these other prizes?

The 2011 Salute figure. OK I did not go to the Salute show but a friend who did gave me this figure as part of payment for painting up some of his figures. So if you missed out you have the chance of bagging this fellow.

I was recommended this book after doing a book review on another book on the subject of Tarawa. Still need to do a review of the book but the short of it is "Good book, but not as good as the one I had already read". This may not be totally fair given the whole account has to be scripted the same for both so any follow on book will tend to be a bit of the same. However it's still a good book and well worth reading so here it is.

I mentioned in yesterdays post I had a three figure 54mm base to paint up. This is it, a scene from the Charge of the Light Brigade. Now this is NOT what's on offer, this I intend to take to work and have on my desk for some time before I even think of off loading it. instead I am offering to paint any 54mm figure the winner want's me to do for them. The only stipulation is they have to pick and pay for the figure themselves and I will paint it up and get it back to them. Now all I have to do is hope someone wants to go for this prize or I am going to feel a lemon LOL

Don't forget the two giveaway's end 22nd September


  1. Am down for the salute model, but also for the painting service of a 54mm model.. I might even have a few kicking around here.. or worst case, chat it up with you on what might be interesting to paint up and ship that out your way! Don't want you to be thinking our a lemon now do we? :)

  2. I like the look of the salute model.

  3. OK Ian, that's as far as my arm will twist!

    Put me in for the Salute model and the 54mm painting. I've got an idea of what I'd want painted, but I don't know if the figure exists.

  4. I too would love that salute model!

  5. Also interested in the salute model! Looks like a splendid miniature.

  6. Ohhhh.. this salute model looks good. Count me infor this one.

    Ps: I'll try to pimp this giveaway asap

  7. I'm sure I've got that Salute model stuck in draw somewhere already. So I won't go for that, gotta admit after seeing your RAF chap the other day, I could be swayed for a 54mm figure as well as the brushes!!!

  8. O.K., done the usual promotional blog entry and all that sort of thing. I'm very interested in the Tarawa book and I think I mentioned the brushes last time. I'd probably prefer to win the brushes just to knock Ray off his pedestal . . . . ;O)

  9. If that Salute model is a Civil War dude, then count me down for that also!

    along with the brushes and pigments!

  10. Please put me down for the mounted chap in this round. Thanks so much.

  11. I'd love to be put in for the Salute fig please!

  12. No chance Andrew as they're mine, I'll opt for the 54mm figure!

  13. OK guys and Girl, your all entered and winning one does not loose you the chance for another item so no worries about preferences.


  14. Id love the brushes, might even put some paint on them, also the building would look nice with the new 6mm Figs I am picking up at Derby.

  15. Hi Ian,
    I feel a bit cheap joining in as I only stumbled upon your blog through Gary's blog 'Happy Valley' but I would love a shot at the ACW Salute general for my brother. He discovered 25/28mm ACW a few years back and this would make a great addition to his collection.

  16. I added a link in here...

    Brushes...I like Brushes.

  17. Please put me in for the Salute model.

    Thanks a lot & cheers

  18. @ Lee, may have to get Cath to do the draws given you won a good prize last time LOL

    @ Paulalba, no reason too. Part of the giveaway is to hope new peeps find me so all is good

    @ The Kiwi, thanks and your in twice as per Da Rules

    @ Monty, you are down Sir.

    Everyone has till I go to bed to add any items they want or join the fun


  19. I'm looking forward to see the 54mm figures painted!
    And I'm interested in the Salute figure! ;-)



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