
Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Santa Clause is GO

OK by now all eight Santa Clause participants should have received the e-mail telling them who they are paint up some lovely figures for. If you have not, then check your junk and if your still wanting then get in touch and I will check with Cath.

It would be great if you just confirm (as some have) with Cath that you have received your target. I have mine and have already started to look at what I can get for them and start painting it up. 

It's up to each person if you want to let the receiver know who you are. I certainly will as I want to post about it on my blog as well. 

Don't forget you have just a little longer to get your name down for the Secret Santa, that's where you spend about £15 worth of shiny for a randomly picked participant whilst getting the same from another wonderful gamer. This is one way to guarantee some wargames fun will be under your tree this year and whilst you can make a list on your blog you can also just let it roll and see what comes of it. If I got Big Lee in this, I would supply him a set of dice with just 5 and 6 pips on all sides. Maybe though that could be a bad idea as the dice may NEVER stop spinning.

Talking of reminders though, time is also running out to put your name down on the 500 post come two year Giveaway, so if you like DVD's, Brushes, Flocking Powder or little painted houses you need to click here. Or if books, old Salute figures or a 54mm Figure painted for you, well go here

You can enter both giveaways and you can put your name down for any of the prizes and even enter if you are not a follower, it's cool just go for it.


  1. Hope your looking after my brushes?

  2. Alright, why not. I'm in for Secret Santa.


  3. Sounds like you guys are having fun with this. Very cool.

  4. I have mine and I think I know what to get, just need to consider my options a bit first.

  5. @ Ray and Fran, maybe I should split them between the two of you? Who wants the bristles? ;-)

    @ FMB, OK your in. End of the month will see the selecting going off. I will of course be banned from the living room which is fine as my painting desk is safely away from the TV

    @ Anne, I wonder who the lucky person is. Not that you can tell me as Cath would batter me blind

    @ Spooky, It is cool and the fun really starts when you get to scope your target and start to build ideas on what to do.

    @ Thomas, sounds like your off to an early start, I still have to do more digging but my target has a wide interest so you would think it would make it easier!



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