
Monday 9 December 2013

Baccus and Blacktree Delivery

I actually got the Baccus late last week and the Blacktree on Saturday but other posts were more urgent so have been pushed down the list.

Of course the Baccus figures would have come all that bit sooner if I had, errm paid for them!  Ooops sorry Peter. It's a good job my e-mail enquiry regarding an update on my order was polite given as usual it was my fault the figures were yet to be sent. Dosh sent and here they are, two packs each of French and Prussian guns.

The new French 12pdr's on the left and the old style Prussian guns. You can see the attraction of one cast guns but I am not so convinced we can really appreciate how clever it is. These may get across my desk during the painting contest but if not they will get done sometime over the next twelve months as I don't actually need them till 2015 but well you know....

The Blacktree figures on the other hand are expected to feature somewhat heavily in my Challenge points haul as I need to paint these up to pay for some of the toys I hope to get next year and bring me back into the black for this year. The figures arrived eight days after ordering so rather impressed as the Black Friday sale was on.

Above we have the eight basic Russian figures from the mixed lot you get when ordering riflemen. I did however request no figures lying down in this batch and was happy to see this request fulfilled. I have already had a couple of these figures when I have ordered before but no problem as they are rather good figures.

Four Russian snipers finish off the set and these I have also painted a couple from though previously you got two upright and two lying down, for me this is a better set. 

I also went for 2 packs of Germans and I have to say several of these have really got me wanting to paint them as they are just great looking figures. None of the figures have me wanting to pass them buy and I can even see me getting a small force of several nations to add to the Fins and Early Russians that I will end up keeping to play against Lee and of course include my Son and Daughter in if they want to try something different to the cowboys.

Last up is the German special packet that includes the Sniper I had to repaint. It will be interesting how I fair painting him for the third time. I do like this pack and I may actually keep the rifle grenade guy for myself this time.

So that makes another 24 Blacktree WWII to go with the 40 odd others I have in a stash, some prepped BEFORE last years Challenge so I hope to get those done as well. All are now cleaned up and primed in white and ready to go. I am almost ready for the Challenge to start right now but want to get what I have on the table finished and have four clear evenings to do this before being out on Friday for a game.

I still have some prep work to do though. The last stand all needs cleaning, some conversion fork and undercoating then that's ready for the last two weeks of the challenge. I still would like to get more of the Roman's cleaned up and undercoated but that may be wishful thinking from a painting point of view. Not that it matters as I will just continue to paint them post challenge anyway. 

Other than that I think I won't do much more prep, maybe some more 6mm but they are quick to do so not really a time saver but I will get some of those Finns and Russians primed if they arrive before Sunday as I really want to get some of these all painted just as soon as I get them as they are such new castings.


  1. That's a good stash Ian, and good to hear that the Black tree arrived in good time as I had heard they could be a bit slow.

  2. Nice shiney.... Soon be time for production..

  3. Good restock. The BTD WWII figures are really nice. I have a bunch and they paint up really well.

  4. Ooooo very nice! I'm getting sick of all this prep work, I just want to paint something!

  5. You forgot to pay for them hahahaha.

  6. Sound's like your nicely restocked!

  7. You know what? I really love the paint stuff in the background.

  8. @ Michael, good stash indeed and I wanted to give the good spin for Blacktree given the comments made about them being slow. Not my experiance as of yet so wanted to balance the bad with some good though 6 months to fulfil an order is not excusable at all!!!

    @ Dave, sure will and they are sitting in box two of three LOL

    @ James, not sure about good looking at that point as they had a lot of flash but it came off nice and easy

    @ Jonathan, all told I think I have painted up about a hundred of their figures so far, only one figure have I had issues with and that was a French figure with a bent rifle. All three of them had the same unchangable fault so it's a real shame that I can't allow me to be turned off the rest. I'd say they are my favourite WWII 28mm figures

    @ Styx, indeed, just want my Baker Company kickstarters to turn up now and I will be sorted

    @ Ray, I have been just prepping weekends and painting in the week. At one point I was a little unmotivaed to paint but that's changed around and I am happy finishing off figures in the part painted stage

    @ Anne, I know, the shame eh? I blame Paypal LOL

    @ Smillie, I am but really I was not exactly short in the first place. Counted up last night and I have over 800 figures cleaned and primed ready for the off. I have NEVER had so much unpainted lead before

    @ Happy, I use a cutting board as the top of my painting desk (it's VERY big) and so put sheets of paper on top as a painting surface and use the paper to act as a place to remove paint from the brush for drybrush work. The red is from roof tiles :-)


  9. Great horde of figures there and I am amazed by the speed that Black Tree got the figures to you, as I had a rather bit opinion of them from what I had heard. You are the third or forth person that has said they have had a speedy delivery

    1. I think the issue is possibly that he does this part time so if he is away on holiday or just snowed under it can add a lot to your waiting time and when you do not know the reason it can be maddening


  10. I like it. My grandmother used to have a big cutting board for making dough.

    1. I can't remember the exact size but it's about four plus feet long (it's a professional cutting board for designers etc.



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