
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Landwehr Cavalry Bought Painted

From the rather nice Blog Con gains pile is these Landwehr Cavalry that was part of the pre-painted collection I have been posting about. All I have had to do with these was remove them from their original bases and rebase followed by a good going over with Matt Varnish. These have suffered a little more than the infantry. For starters horse's seem to break off their metal base very easily and out of these forty five figures I have had to glue four in place sans base and a further three have been discarded due to the same issue. Nest up is less noticeable using the 4 foot rule, that being the gloss varnish had pooled between the rider and mount and as such look a little ugly and the matt varnish has not hidden this but really it's a minor irritant at worst.

At the end of the day I have another five Landwehr cavalry regiments for the big game and given I need a fair few it's certainly a  good thing that I have them. I still have a few more to paint up but without these I would be close to double figures. 

The usual staggered lines are evident in most cases but due to the fragile bases I felt the need to have them supporting each other more than usual so the lines are a little better than some of the more regular regiments I have painted up.

I have a lot of Hussars to rebase and this will in fact give me more regiments than I need as I am in the final stages of painting up four Hussar regiments for Waterloo but as these are specific regiments I am happy I had started these before picking up the painted stuff as I really like the variety that these guys will bring to the Prussian cavalry for Waterloo. For the most part you can forget the Prussian Blue look but more on these towards or over the weekend when I expect to have them finished and shown off.


  1. Somebody did a fine job of painting those up. I didn't realize there were pre-paints available. It does help with large projects.

  2. I say they are really nice especially considering the scale of them. Top draw there old boy

  3. Nice to see them job

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, though those Hussars are my favourites but you will have to wait a few days for them to be based


  5. @ Anne, sorry I will have confused you based on previous posts. These figures were bought off another gamer who was getting rid of his 6mm to make way for his 15mm. It was a great price that I shared with Lee. We now have a load of figures already painted and yet more unpainted that have been added to our mountains

    @ Pete, I can't take any credit apart from the basing. On the other hand I have a bunch of Hussars I just finished I will be showing off in a couple of days rather proudly.

    @ Dave, I am working through the French and Prussians at the moment and it's really helping with the required forces for the big game and the unpainted Poles will be very welcome once I have the Waterloo figures put to bed


  6. There's something quite dramatic about this scale. Massive numbers of units seen from on high. Looking forward to seeing them in action.

    1. That's a major attraction of the scale. the practice for Project Quatre Bras looked great but Project Waterloo should be incredible with 3 times the size and many more times the number of units so I can't wait to get those on the table.


  7. I like the semi line abrest and the gradual stagger. The staggered lines you plan to do with the rest will no doubt add to the effect. As a sidenote, we practice peel and shoot a lot in the infantry, from line and patrol column. The greener squads and troops suffer from an affliction that causes them to bunch up nearly shoulder to shoulder by time the exercises end. Perhaps a subtle way to indicate green troops? Didn't find the varnish glare, they look pretty good from the photos for a modest bit of work!

    1. Based the next four regiments last night and they are a little more out of formation but not over done.

      I like the idea of basing to show if the unit is Green or more seasoned though 60+ Battalions in I think I will leave them be ;-)



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