
Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Sacrifice WARNING Naked Female On Show

Two for one post, new figures painted up and the next instalment in my roleplaying campaign. Let's start with the game for a change.

The brother of Nancy the Barmaid visited the party at the Inn they were staying in to see if they had learnt anything about his sisters disappearance. This seemed to be due to his worry about his sister, it was evident that he was not sleeping well but early on two of the players noticed he had black ink on his hands. He explained it away as due to writing up one of his bread recipes which was half excepted (the dead kidnapper also had ink on his hands). Further questioning the players found out that his sister lived with her mother, the father dying some years ago. He was close to his sister and she often stayed at his house. They also questioned where he was when his sister went missing and the fact he was at a bakery showing a new design to the bakers was then checked out. 

Sure enough he was at that bakery, and indeed has been back several times since and had each time mentioned his sister had gone missing on the day he was there and the times did match but the players were a little suspicious that he had visited several times and was reminding the workers of the fact. This lead to asking about his recipes and writing them up. It came out that he could not write and a clerk always had to write them for him.

They found his mothers address and visited. Turned out that he and his sister never saw each other any more since an argument over a year before. Further digging lead them to find out that his two best friends had gone on to do well for themselves, one in the Soap Guild (old guild house was now unused but happened to be where the drover had entered recently) another had been a herbalist but had died a couple of years ago.

The players decided to force entry into the old guild house and searched the property after killing the guard. Finally they worked down into the cellar and came across a dark sacrifice with poor Nancy naked on the alter and her brother poised to stab her with a bronze dagger.

One arrow was all it took to drop her brother and a crossbow bolt smashed into the priest mumbling incantations killing him instantly. This being a level 20 Necromancer (the supposed dead herbalist) had Lee grinning and me wondering how to fill THAT gap in my story LOL. The four watching the sacrifice started to flee in panic but another two shots and a few hacks and all were down on the floor. Such was the rolls that none of them survived, never have I seen such total destruction!!

Nancy climbed off the alter knelt by her dying brother taking the dagger from his spasming  hand and plunged it into her heart falling dead at the players feet. 

On searching the house they did find 12 sets of city guard uniforms and weapons, the uniforms showing where they were repaired. Now they have to decide what they are to do especially as the drover was not at the meeting.

I wanted this guy to stand out, mostly for crimes against fashion and colour co-ordination. This was actually brought on by the really poor casting of the figure. It's a Black Tree Fantasy figure from I think the Harlequin Dungeon Accessory section and comes with the naked female and alter.

Not only was the figure lacking in good detail (just the opposite of their WWII range) but it looks to have had a lot of lead seep out of the mould forming the bubbles I have painted as grey to represent smoke with the idea of passing off the poor quality as a spell effect!!! I have seen the image on the site and this effect is not shown on the image so I am quite sure it's down to poor casting or worn mould. Anyway I did not plan to use it more than once and was so naffed off I gave it little time on the desk as you can see.

On the other hand I did put more effort into the rest of the pack for some reason. The alter is a one piece casting and though it has one difficult mould line it can be lived with OK. The naked women on the other hand is really well cast and the chains between her ankles is a great bit of work.

Her face does make her look a bit like a rubber doll and the red hair was a real challenge as I wanted it to look fiery. 

I really liked how the breasts were sculpted as they were far more realistic than many a fantasy figure normally provides with gravity defying uplift. In this case they were flattened with gravity taking full control , not sure I could have got away with THAT sentence anywhere else  :-)

How about a B&W shot, that should allow me to apply for some kind of grant based on artistic merit. No? oh well, I'm not deleting it now!!!


  1. Well done !!
    it's not easy to paint a nude female: all that skin !
    I like the B&W picture ...

    1. Thanks Sam, when I added that one a line from The Colour of Magic jumped into my head


  2. Well Ian, looks like the carpet matches the drapes. ha. Cool figures.

    1. I was going to say that Tim, at least the collars and cuffs match!

    2. You two, what am I going to do with you ;-)


  3. Seems like that must have been a serious argument for him to be sacrificing his sister. Nice work on the female!

    1. The sister was all for it, which is why she finished the job. My wife thinks I am a real sick puppy as it's not a bought adventure so all made up by me LOL


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, back to 6mm at the moment


  5. Thanks, enjoyed the girl and alter



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