
Thursday 1 May 2014

Please Help Blogland

Not the normal Ian post today, rather a request for help. Cath my wife uses a lot of her hobby time supporting a very worthwhile charity called Love Quilts. This is a UK based charity that makes quilts for children. Not just any children, and trust me you never want one of your kids to be eligible to receive one!!

You see these quilts are made for seriously ill children and in far too many cases children who will never get the chance to grow into adulthood. For many of the children it's a great comfort, others find strength from them whilst the effect on parents is also amazing. 

Love Quilts like many a small charity has very few people at the heart of the organisation, in this case just two ladies but relies on a small army of helpers, in this case stitcher's and quilters who provide lots of time, thread, fabric and no small amount of tears, both of joy and sorrow.

What they don't have endless access to cold hard cash, no I am not asking for your's just your vote you see they have entered a charity funding vote where they could win £1,000 if they come first, lesser cash for lower placings and at the moment they are in second place. 

Please click here if you want to help. The quilts cost around £35-45 each to make, that's make up and does not include the cost of the cross stitch squares as the helpers supply these for the most part at their own cost. Last year they did 81 quilts and look to beat that figure this year. Simply they need the cash to balance the books as they always find ways to get them out and that means the two ladies concerned pick up the tab when no other money is available.

I would also like to take the opportunity to publicly say how proud I am of my wife who supports this when ever she can and I know it's bitter sweet on too many occasions but she soldiers on. Cath I love you sweets.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't know that my vote worked.

      Tim told me he voted as well, and his went through.

  2. done !
    congrats and encouragements to your wife and all the others who work for this cause !

  3. Done and done - your wife is clearly a compassionate and generous-hearted soul, I know that these things take a lot of time to put together!

  4. Done! Best of luck to them.

  5. Voted too. Good luck Cath!

  6. Done Ian... Hope they win. :)) x

  7. Voted.

    What a wonderful thing for these ladies to be doing. Wishing them the very best.

  8. What a wonderful and caring thing to do.

  9. followed from Loki's page : )
    my vote's been placed.

  10. Voted. In second place at the moment

  11. Thanks to one and all for your support of this. We are still at the moment in second place and that has A LOT to do with your help.


  12. Voted. my wife also does quilting in a local ladies craft group, they then donate them to the Neonatal ICU of our local hospital. A great cause and well worth funding, preferably with regular taxpayer input!


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