
Monday 5 May 2014

Spring Blog-Con The Great War

The second game we played was a fun loaded Great War Skirmish called Get Carter ran by Sydney Roundwood who ran it with much merriment and brilliant accents and comments that had us all champing at the bit to get at 'em!

I was picked to lead the boys over the top, I assigned troops and basicly left it to them to get on with it as I also took my troop of five rifle armed Tommies and four rifle grenadiers giving the bombers and trench clearer's to other parties. 

Lee was the only one to suffer casualties getting into the trench but as he was the first to make contact he did suffer for this. However he did force back the Germans all the way back to the command dugout. However these Germans rallied their shock off quickly and charged back at Lee winning the melee and sending him packing. This only happened as I was inactive for three turns or the Germans in this area would have been destroyed as I was at full strength but that's the nature of card activation systems.

On the other flank we got straight into the Hun and was to see how devastating two attacks one after the other could be as these German front line trench troops where first beaten and then smashed. Unfortunately they were to far away at that point to help the right hand attack.

Finishing off the German left flank, the Big Man gets seriously wounded and two of the last three Germans carry him to safety. The last German was quick to get out of the trench and run for the rear. At this point with two relatively fresh squads in reserve and my yet to be committed squad all looked good for us.

Rather than attack me the surviving German squad moved down the adjacent leg,mean while bringing their shock right down. This did not worry me too much as I would charge into them with great odds as soon as my card came up, this would free up the way to Get Carter from the command dugout (top left) he was no longer under guard but would not leave the dugout as he was wounded.

The German Trench Raiders turn up (one bunch over open ground and the other now coming in between me and Carter. I had already attacked the German squad but had taken a mauling due to the extra Big Man and whilst I shocked their troops well had only killed two. I in reply did not suffer much shock but lost more troops, now I was in trouble and needed the help of our friends. Curt (left) and Kev look on as if things are going bad but in fact are resting their faces after another salvo of laughter  :-)

We had three separate attempts to go over the top and rescue Carter but each fell short of getting to him, one by just an inch. A mix of rifle fire and MG (top left) had us further reduced. Even if we got to Carter we would have been trapped in the dugout. Maybe a few of us managed to get back but overall the field was littered with our dead.

It was such good fun and knowing the rules that bit now would look forward to trying again and having just as much fun again. Everyone was clearly enjoying the game and even though some of the German's got to enter late and Lee was knocked out early the banter kept everyone engaged.

So we had two great games with great terrain and figures it was an absolute treat. Just the edge of the table was the Old Hammer game that was played through the whole afternoon and clearly was a lot of fun for the two guys playing. They were really a good addition to the day and I am really glad they had the room they got. No doubt that they really could have done with a little more but not a word of complaint and the great thing is that they will travel to the southern Blog-Con as well.

Thanks needs to go to James for setting up the whole concept but Dave really needs the main praise having developed the con still further. It's now developed into a life of it's own and even though Spring Blog-Con was meant to be just a small affair to celebrate Curt's visit to the UK it was most excellent to be able to see it as that bit more. Word is that it will be down south for the late in the year session this year and that's no problem, lets see what those boys in easy town can come up with  :-)


  1. My poor lads were feeling alone out on the left after having chased jerry off! I did my bit!!i blame the leadership...sitting around doing nothing for 3 moves...

    I was a cracking day Ian.. I think we may well be on to something..!

    1. Oh I love the way the bad guys look so serious for the photo op... Like hell they were chuckling all the way to the wire!

  2. Great looking pics, these trenches are really impressive!

  3. Great batrep Ian, sounded like bloody good fun!

  4. What a fabulous report of what sounds like a great fun game - a cracking day out.

  5. A beautiful game in the flesh.

  6. Looks like a brilliant game Ian!

  7. Looked a great game!!!! Wish I could've made it!!

  8. Great looking game put on by Sidney, and excellent batrep.

  9. It was a damn fine game and just as enjoyable whether actually playing or watching/waiting. It was a great day and a cracking venue. The company wasn't bad either. ;O)

  10. Sounds fantastic Ian and looks awesome too!

  11. What a fun day, honestly I am still flying from it


    1. Very cool when a day is that fun.

    2. All we needed was Lou Reed singing in the background



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