
Sunday 4 May 2014

Spring Blog-Con

Well the second Blog-Con was yesterday. A much smaller event but well attended, indeed we could not manage many more. Having nearly missed this one as I thought it clashed with something else I was even happier to make this one.

We stood outside for a chunk of time just chatting with the weather being so nice and a bunch of nice guys why would you move?

Well this would be one good reason. Ray was in town, caught red handed smuggling budgies and about to be dragged back to Canada by Curt (from whence the budgies were smuggled I assume).

We were the Pinkerton's and we had already planned on spending the money for the reward so I guess the Mounty just might not keep his man.

Stair's having yet to catch on in Canada, Curt throws Ray over the rail for a speedy getaway, jumping over the rail and landing next to the slightly confused Ray (obviously landing on his head knocked a lot of sense into him).

Curt ties Ray up and then climbs onto his horse to try and get to the train before it sets off. Clearly thia was gong to be a drag for Ray.

The gambler after making a few bucks strolls outside and gets into it with a couple of outlaws. Favouring his shotgun he cuts down Loki and a poor innocent civilian, oh well plenty more civi's would get what was coming so no time to weep. Loki was to get back up and continue the fight but that gambler was a tough guy.

Curt races around the town until he gets the opportunity to ride over the tracks and add a few more lumps to Ray (Curt either really likes budgies or dislikes Ray!!!)

Curt gets on the train, hog ties Ray shoots me down as well as another Pinkerton who he walks up to calmly and finishes him off. I need a 6 on 1 die to get up which I manage but Curt drills my other arm and I jump off the train allowing Curt to ride off into the sunset.

A fantastic game with so much laughing and dice throwing, real load of fun and a great time had by all, well except Ray.

Tomorrow I will post about the second game by Sydney Roundwood, another eye candy filled game that delivers on all levels.


  1. Yes, a cracking game and the day was certainly a success. I'm sure the Pinkertons had more cards that anyone else . . . . ;O)

    1. Me too , I thought I might have to check up Ian's sleeves at one point!

      Poor Stumpy had a rough time of it! Wait til he see Black Bart Awdry though..

    2. Except perhaps me as The Gambler!

    3. Indeed.. How you got away with dealing Loki and Kev heaven knows!

  2. It sounds as though Curt was having rather too much fun in that game. I mean, what has Ray ever done to deserve treatment like that? Errrmmm, maybe you'd better not answer that on a public post!

    1. There was much sniggering as the Mountie threw Budgie Ray from the balcony ... And managed to miss the water trough... Ouch....

    2. Poor Rayolla. He's always gettin' picked on.

  3. Laughter and mayhem.... Just the words!

  4. Great pictures Ian... I really thought the PInkertons were going to get there man this close...!!

    A slightly bigger room required for the next one I think!!! So we can run two or three games together..

  5. Glad you all had such a good time and that the Mountie got his man!

  6. Great terrain and batrep. Old west is on my 'to-do' list for some day. Are the buildings scratch built or commercial? If the latter who makes them?

    1. They are a mix, of Scatchbuilt, Sarissa,Gamecraft, Tri City laser, Products for Wargamers, and a few 4ground bits.

  7. Sounded like a blast and Ray getting a kicking....what's not to like?

    1. Curt starting the game by throwing him off the balcony generated much mirth

  8. I never tire of seeing this game, but the added dimension of Ray and Curt dodging lead has tickled me greatly.

  9. I'm glad I amused you all!!! Damn you Campbell damn you I say!!!!!!

    1. The travails of "Budgie Ray" are now part of the Legend of the Old West...and of course will grow with time,..

  10. I am sorry that I missed out as it looked like a cracking day

  11. Cracking looking table and it sounds like great fun.

  12. What a day indeed and whilst the room was packed almost to capacity many were missed and not far from our thoughts.

    So looking forward to the next Blog-Con



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