
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Baccus New French Line Lancer NFR14

As I mentioned yesterday the next post was going to be the new Baccus French Line Lancer figures from pack NFR14 and again it was a joy to prep and paint them.

I did not mention prep for the Guard cavalry mostly down to the fact there was so little to do. The same can be said for the Lancers which had minimum file work.

I have painted up this regiment as the 5th Lancers as these fought at Quatre Bras along with the 6th. Interestingly the trumpeter does not have a reversed uniform making for a quicker paint.

Painting up two regiments at the same time is the way to go as I was able to do the four different colours of brown without being stop start. Actually I think it's best to do four or even six at the horse painting stage! Lots of detail though I forgot the straps across the shoulder!!!

The saddle cloth edges were a bit of a challenge as they are scalloped really nice touch as it helps make the figures. I still have the other four regiments awaiting painting and I also have a few Adler Lancers as well so I should be able to represent almost all the Lancer Regiments by the time I am finished.

So now I have finished all the available French Cavalry I have to say I am happy with the results and that the upgrade on the originals was well worth waiting for. Also I really like the size difference between the lights and the heavies, a real nice touch. I would have liked more poses though it's a relatively small quibble. Yes I still prefer the look of the Adler but I would not kick these off the table and in danger of being a bore, these are so much better for a long campaign.


  1. At your production rate, you will be ready for the 100 Days soon.

    1. Well still got plenty to do but having nine Landwehr battalions on the go at the moment feels good.


  2. Another great looking unit!!!

    1. Thanks, though I will have to get some 15mm on the table if only to preserve a little of the sanity I still have left.


  3. you missed the blanket roll on the bottom of the back of the jacket, and you could have done the proper 1815 flag.

    But at least yours are flagged unlike mine, still got lots to do and counting down the weeks till joy of six.

    1. The blanket rolls are done. slightly different colour green to the uniform (does not show that well, especially on the photos)

      Choice of none 1815 flag was based on the fact almost all my troops will have earlier flags, only the coming new Baccus infantry will have the 1815 flag.

      Again happy to help flag yours as long as it's not the night before or the day itself LOL



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