
Monday 23 June 2014

Baccus NFR12 French Elite Light Cavalry

Good intentions are, well good. That is unless they happen to lead to hell I suppose. In this case the good intention was to buy the last two of the current cavalry releases slightly late with the expected next lot of French infantry. Unfortunately that did not happen as the looked for infantry have been delayed but hopefully they will be available at The Joy of Six. So I delayed and delayed the purchasing of the French cavalry until well until they were no longer really new. Triples was where I bought these guys and I even got them painted up in not to a slow pace though I did not get them based till last night as I wanted to base them at the same time as my new Guard Artillery to save some time, yes ironic I know.

So these are the new Baccus NFR12 French Elite Light Cavalry or 1st Regiment de Chasseurs de la Garde and is one of the last two cavalry regiments for our Quatre Bras game that will have been played out at the Joy of Six show in less than four weeks (eeeek!!). These are rather very nice and I found them to be a nicer figure to work on than the previous new releases by Baccus. Not that I am giving those disrespect, I just found these nicer.

I am still not sold on the standard bearer well the standard but can live with them. Love the moustache that is sculptured which demand attention. These are really colourful chaps and I again went with a black base colour which speeded up the process a little.

These have the typical Baccus upright pose that adds to the speed of painting and robustness of the figures and it has to be said that at typical wargaming distance looks more or less the same as the Adler equivalent. Though close up such as this the multi pose comes into play with the Adler. The important detail is all there and a handy brush can make these look really cool. These colours really suit the scale and so these boys will stand out on the table. Not convinced they will get into the game though at JoS as they are fairly late arrivals but at least they can be placed at the back of the table awaiting their turn at bat.

You can't see the braids on the photo but they are there, honest. These are my new favourite of the new Baccus releases and that includes the next lot up on the blog the regular Lancers. I still have four of these bases worth of figures to paint up at some point but as Lee is covering the Guard at Waterloo they will have to sit waiting for a few years I fear, a real shame as they deserve to get painted.


  1. Great looking little fellows Ian!!!

  2. Nice work - love the moustache!

    1. Well they are just posh hussars really


  3. I am reading this post from an eReader, and I cannot see pictures in full detail, but I know you did great work.

  4. Awesome work on these guys Ian! How the hell do you paint a moustache on a figure that small!

    1. A tiny brush and great detail, that helps a great deal


  5. Very nice work, colors are great!

    1. Cheers, I did like the striking finish



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