
Thursday 21 August 2014

A Little Bit of Fantasy - Frodo

Not that I will be using the figure as Frodo rather he is an open figure for anyone who wants to play as a Hobbit. It's a great looking figure as well. A Games Workshop metal from way back I assume. Jonathan from The Inevitable Spark gave me the figure along with a bunch of others more than a year ago! So it seemed only right that I get it painted up and now seems as good a time as ever.

Apart from the waistcoat I went for muted country colours as the last thing a Hobbit needs is to stand out in a fight! Most adventurers lack any form of storage for their needs but Frodo comes with a nifty backpack but unfortunately has no where to stick his sword, other than the odd Orc of course.

Just for scales sake I have included a Dark Sword Lady in Waiting, you get the picture. So that's another figure finished for the roleplaying group though when or if someone will take up with an hobbit is anyone's guess.


  1. I have that exact mini somewhere in my tin mountain. I love the job you did, now I must dig him out and challenge you. Well, I can dream, can't I?

    1. I am sure you can do at least as good a job having seen your work. In fact I am fairly sure you can beat it into a cocked hat :-)


  2. That is a nice little sculpt, very charming. The scale does work with humans and will look good on the table.

    1. I do like it as well Anne, just don't see him getting on the table any time soon


  3. Nice job and scales well with the dark sword figure.

    1. Not to your standard but thanks and I do like the Dark Sword which are more like 30mm but yes works well with the GW Frodo


  4. The Frodor is a nice figure I some how ended up with more then 1 when I was collecting the LOTR movies sets.

    1. Well you could always do two versions, it's a nice enough figure to make it worth while



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