
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Baccus French 1812-15 Foot Artillery

Another new release from Baccus is the various foot artillery codes for the 1812-15 period. I actually bought just one of the three available foot types as it's just the guns that are different but I have mixed in the howitzers from the horse artillery with the 8lb foot to give me a mix.

At the moment I have just the guns for the horse artillery painted as I painted up all four guns but will get the crews painted whilst painting up the next lot of infantry so probably at the end of the month as I now have the four cavalry regiments on the table.

These guns actually give me enough for the Waterloo game so the four horse artillery will be extra which is a nice feeling. My only quibble about these figures is one of the four gunners seems to have only the one hand and a shortened arm but that could be just me not being able to pick it out. Simply not painting the hand has worked and I doubt you would notice. Again it could be me or a miscast but I could not find that arm!!!

So other than the building of the week I will be taking a short break on posting about all the 6mm goodness and will be dealing with a little fantasy and a lot more Viking all in 28mm. 


  1. Extra's all always nice!! Great paint Ian!

    1. Thanks Ray and your not wrong about the extra


  2. And again, I stand amazed, is there a tally for this year? I bet it is seriously high.

    1. I think it's over 500 infantry and 50 cavalry in 6mm should break 800 before the end of the year on infantry



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