
Tuesday 19 August 2014

French Line Infantry in Greatcoat More New Baccus Napoleonics

Released at the same time as the 1812-15 Baccus Infantry I painted these up in tandem to the figures in yesterdays post. Again these are quick to paint and whilst I have painted up just three Battalions to show the finished look I will not only paint up the nine I have left but will buy more ready for the battles to come in foreign parts. These are NFR25 Line Infantry and NFR27 Voltigeurs (NFR26 Elite Line are also available). 

Here we have the three battalions, with just the one in line the other two in the more recognised French column. The other nine battalions will have to wait till after I have completed the Waterloo figures, only then will I get the rest up the queue.

I painted all three battalions with a mix of coats for a campaign feeling, possibly overdoing it rather. Next time I think I will limit to the odd figure in a different coloured greatcoat. Again as yesterday these were clean castings requiring little cleaning or prep.

So another new release that gets the thumbs up. Baccus have not finished yet, along with the new 1812-15 foot and horse artillery already released will be added new limbers and caissons, Guard Infantry, cavalry and guns. I think we have a few more cavalry types to join the already expanded range and of course the big man himself will follow as the last piece of the redesigned French. All should be available before the end of the year so even more excuses to buy yet more of these French boys.

I am now fixing the French in my sites and will drive these over the finish line before turning back to the Prussians for their final units turn. Tomorrow will see the new French foot artillery before moving up a scale or two. 


  1. Good Lord man, that is seriously impressive!

    1. Well I have kind of built up the posts having worked on all the infantry at the same time


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Chris, next challenge will be all Adler


  3. Lovely set of figures and very nice finish to the bases.

    1. Thanks a lot, the basing is really fast now that I have done a few


  4. I like the mixed colours on the coats and I like the blues you used. Nice looking bunch!

    1. Thanks Anne, the Vikings are a lot more colourful though


  5. These are so, so good Ian and I love the feel you have for these little wee men. I think the mix of overcoats is right by the way

    1. Cheers mate, really looking forward to slamming paint on nine battalions all at once again LOL


  6. It's the uniformity of these that really does it for me, the style the basing.. It's going to really look the DB's when you get it all out!

    1. It will be fantastic, Lee has some of the boards already done (less painting) and they look great. It's going to be really fantastic to get the figures on the finished boards and start pushing them into contact. So many charges, counter charges and mayhem. Can't wait



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