
Friday 12 September 2014

6mm Town Progress Report

Part two of Building of the Week is the progress of the ever growing town. The idea is that I can sub in or out buildings to suit time period and location through most of Europe and still have a functioning believable terrain piece. That can be a small town to a sprawling city of just about any shape I could need. As such this project will never truly be finished, music I am sure to Mike's ears.

I actually have a few more tiles that did not make the photo and even more buildings that have yet to be added to bases so without painting any more buildings I could extend the size by a reasonable amount. The above measures 300mm by 300mm with a bit missing on the top side but if I had all the finished models in place I could fill the gaps.

All but one of the buildings on display are Leven Miniatures with the one on the bottom right being Total Battle Miniatures. Unfortunately most TBM buildings do not sit well with the Leven as they are of the larger 6mm scaling but fortunately you can still put them on the same table as separate towns or villagers so it's not all bad news. I think this one though fits in reasonably well.

The industrial quarter looks to have the chance to grow given the fire in the centre of town, well you have to take advantage of life's little problems don't you.

I just know when we get playing with these we will be getting down at figure eye level to see what they see, lets face it we are big kids at heart.

It actually is smaller than I would have thought, soaking up a fair few buildings in the process but that's not really a problem as I see it as a long term project, more of a hobby in a hobby I guess. As things stand I do not see me taking it into the modern day as I have no wargaming plans for 6mm post Napoleonic.

Here we have a slightly changed around set up, the Chicken Coup'e roof is not quite flat making the tiles stand a bit proud. We will be adding these to the Waterloo boards but mostly as a ribbon development I think. Later when we do Ligny I am thinking they will be spread out as a number of towns but by then I will have even more buildings and I am sure a good number of battles fighting over these tiles.

So counting up, I have used 21 buildings on the pictures above and at under £3 per building on average have got all this for about £60 It's amazing how quickly it adds up but consider the cost of a few 15mm buildings and you can see what a bargain 6mm wargaming can be. TBM's excellent walled town is just £65 and remains on my to do list but it's so far in the distance at the moment. Actually at some point I may see if I can just buy the base and a few chosen buildings as I already have painted up most of the ones that come as the set.

I still have to paint up and model more realistic business tiles and I want to make myself a few walled and fenced tiles but first need to do some research in how to represent them for the time periods I want to cover.

The largest tile by far is the slums, this needs a few extra's to allow it to be different shapes so I will have to buy some more of the various buildings I like to use to get the effect I aim for. I will also do a few roads that are not as wide but wider than the alley ways.

Anyway that's stretched out the Building of the Week over a couple of posts. The next few posts will probably be work in progress shots if Mike allows me as I have a fairly drawn out project to do not once but twice! More on that hopefully next week.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Peter, I have loads more in the queue as well


  2. Small but beautiful!
    I like the modulable little squares : very interesting project !

    1. I plan some more with roads a little different and just more bigger tiles allowing more options


  3. Great idea and very well executed.

    1. Thanks, the original idea was just a few on grids but looked too Milton Keynes for my taste


  4. Looks excellent and well put together with lots of options.

    1. Options is what I really need to have as it's important it can look different every game


  5. Those look great. Due to make a return to 6mm but for WW3 inspired scenario's. You have given me some ideas for basing buildings.

    1. Glad you found it useful, Leven have a lot of modern buildings including a Cinema and shoe factory!!



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