
Sunday 14 September 2014

Last Call For The Santa Clause

Chris over at Wargamer's Odds and Ends will be assigning targets very soon for The Santa Clause, this is the one where you supply about £5 worth of figure/s painted up by yourself that proved a lot of fun when Cath ran it for the first time on my blog last year. When Cath said she could not run both this and Secret Santa Chris was quick to offer to take over and has attracted quite a posse so it's looking to grow each year like Secret Santa.

So you have about 24 hours to sign up over at his blog, link above. Last year saw me painting up some si-fi robot's who knows what I will be doing this year. The great thing is that it can give you the opportunity to paint up something you would not get to do. I trolled my targets blog until I found something I thought he would like then matched up the painting style to his and off it went.

Idea wise? well £5 or equivalent helps cull the possibilities to manageable size so at 28 mm it could be a command stand, 15mm a few guns or a cavalry unit and 6mm a whole army LOL. OK a regiment or couple of buildings or..............

Actually you have a very wide range of items to choose and a quick look on your targets blog can help you fit that sweet spot that will have them thrilled. The best bit? someone's doing the same for you :-)


  1. We ended up with 14 participants. E-mails are being sent out soon.

    1. Fantastic numbers Chris, looking forward to getting started



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