
Friday 5 September 2014

Adler French Lancers 4th and 6th Regiments

So many posts so little painting shown. OK lets correct that a little with these great Adler Sculps. I had already painted one regiment of Adler Lancers so I knew they could paint up real nice. As such I thought I would add a little more effort to the faces.

Here we have the 4th Lancers, at Waterloo they were part of the 1st Corp, 1st Cavalry Division and 2nd Brigade. Their commander was Col (Baron) Deaf, of the laughs we could get out of that one. Battle honours cover a wide period, Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Friedland, Borodino and Montmirail. I really like Lancers and whilst they loose some of their punch after the first charge they should not be ignored later in the battle.

I added cavalry officers to my last order and this is one of the two Lancer officers you get for 29p, the quality of the figure stands out and I am very happy to have added them to the order. I have banged on enough about the pro's and cons of both Adler and Baccus so will pass over that topic and just enjoy the pleasure that comes from painting up these two regiments.

I have yet to add the flags will do this when I do the two other cavalry regiments I have painted and then put them all away. Just love the way the pennants flutter on the lance tips. Also the two different posed lancer figures really add to the fluid feel of these guys.

The colour you get from a full green uniformed rider the red and white pennants really make these stand out a great deal, I am expecting good things from my Lancer regiments and will use them to stop any Allied cavalry counter attacks and if I get the chance I will smash a few battalions as well.

With the blankets and the rolls all being the same colour green you don't get any contrast but that just adds to the mass effect. I painted up nine figures for the regiment whilst I used ten for the heavier cavalry from the next relevant post.

The 6th Regiment had a troop of elite so I painted up a couple with red plumes, total show offs. These form part of II Corps, 2nd Cavalry Division 2nd Brigade with their commander Col Baron Nicolas Galbois being wounded at Quatre Bras.  Battle honours for Borodino and Montmirail.

Painting of these was a little slow as I had too much on the paint table and seemed to be going between one project and the next. Now they are finished though I can feel I am on the homeward stretch for the for the French. 


  1. Cracking job! They also happen to be one of my favourite Napoleonic cavalry types, but that's pure coincidence ;O)

    1. Thanks Gary, I rather like them as well, nothing like a Lancer at full tilt to get the blood running cold


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, a real joy to work on as well


  3. Very nice, some of my favourite Adlers.

    1. They are very nice figures and mostly clean castings as well


  4. Replies
    1. Cheers Roger, I have more to do at some point


  5. Lovely job there Ian and I am so impressed as they are little wee soldiers

    1. They are but the detail is as good (even better in some cases) as 15mm and it's easy to get deep into the detail



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