
Monday 8 September 2014

Santa Clause and Secret Santa Are GO

First up the hot news is that Santa Clause is Go as in gone elsewhere. Chris over at Wargamer's Odd's and Ends has kindly offered to host Santa Clause after Cath said it was to confusing to run both from the one blog. Top man and we already have a few of us signed up. Some of the originals and nice to see some new faces as well. So if you want to join in the more the merrier, it would be great if we can double last years entrants. Everyone enjoyed it last year and the opportunity to get two wargame related presents under the tree was just too good to pass over for me.

Secret Santa is already buzzing with interest and looks to break last years record. This will be three years running at a participant increase. Again it's great to see old faces, most back for the third year and just as good to see so many first timers getting into the fun. I was really spoilt last year and still am taking pleasure from looking at my gifts (I will be watching both films again over the winter). 

I actually enjoy the giving the best. The item I picked for my target went down well and I had spent a fair bit of time going through first his blog then the suppliers website until I found the perfect present. The supplier went the extra mile as it needed sending abroad and it arrived in time. The item was ordered in time but I missed that the supplier was on holiday and had a backlog when he got back off holiday but on finding out it was a Christmas Bloggers gift cast the item after hours so as not to hold back other peoples items and that's what I call service!!

So if your interested in giving and receiving a gift of around £15 value (anywhere in the world) then comment below stating your interest and send an email via the Email Me bit on the top right hand of the blog. I will pass your details to Chief Fairy and your in baby.


  1. The Santa Clause was great fun last year. Getting painted toys was a real treat. I am really looking forward to being part of both this year.

    1. Glad you can join in and help out, looks to be a success over on your blog for Santa Clause


  2. This year is not a good one for us. But I'm glad to hear that it's still going to happen and that new people are going to participate.

    1. Thinking of you a lot hopefully next year you will be better positioned to join in again though I can't fix it so I can get a O'Leary ;-)


  3. Replies
    1. Consider yourself signed,, glad you can come back again this year


  4. What a neat thing you guys are doing with this.

    PS: Agreed about the game on Sunday. They really did play like zombies in the second half.

    1. It's just the best, got to love a wargames Christmas

      I just hope that it shakes them out of complacency as that can only be what allowed the game to flip like that


    2. I hope they get all their ducks in a row. Funny to me when I see games flip after half-time.

  5. Good gracious !
    I nearly missed this appeal.

    Actually I would love to enter the bunch and hope that it isn't too late.


    1. If you want to be in the Santa Clause, please shoot me an e-mail to cstoesen @ Thanks.

    2. Looks like you just got into Santa Clause ran by Chris

      Secret Santa will be still up for joining for awhile yet so all is good.

      Welcome to the fun



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