
Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 and all that.

2014 is a year I can look back on and be rather pleased about all the things that have gone off. Overall it's been a very positive year hobby wise. I finished within the bracket I wished in the Analogue Painting Challenge though overall I enjoyed that years Challenge less than the previous two I had been involved in, much of that being my own doing. A change of mindset and a much more open choice of projects is making this years the most fun for me.

Talking of projects, how can I not mention Project Quatre Bras which was completed and saw me involved with my first ever Display Game at The Joy of Six. It also saw me finish my commitment towards the French for Project Waterloo pictured above. I have also completed the Prussians and have yet to get a group shot of them but it will happen. 

So two large projects finished figure wise though I still have a good number of buildings to paint up but I am well on my way to achieving this. But how about other projects that got started ether late in 2013 or this year?

The WWII planes remain fully unpainted and will do for the short to medium term whilst the WWI bought in July still wait further work. Another project started in 2013 was the Roman army that is only just starting to get worked on again but I think this will be one of the main gains in 2015, so watch this space.

Another 2014 winner is my Saga no I don't have six points painted yet but it's coming along and will get more progress in January. The Cowboys also continue to progress though I have stalled on the buildings but again these will see work in January as I am hoping to get a few games in with Lee and or Matt in the coming months.

Talking of winners the 1/72 Russians have blasted into a good position with the start up infantry painted and the tanks about to get started within two weeks max. 2014 also saw Roleplaying become a not infrequent diversion with a number of sessions and a steady rate of monsters, NPC's and Characters painted up this year.

Figure gaming has been a bit like tides with me seeming to have a few periods where I have had a good run of games but then longer periods of nothing. Now I could have regular Thursday action at Kev's this has made the opportunity much better. However I still want to improve the number of games I have with Matt and Lee so if I actually get my arse organised I could have a bumper 2015.

So looking forward what can I look forward to?

That game of games our Waterloo game played out on a massive sculptured terrain board with every unit depicted down to Battalions batteries and cavalry regiments. It's going to be epic. Also taking the set up to Joy of Six, setting it up and just sitting back safe in the knowledge that were not actually trying to play it again.

A year of painting just what I want it's fair to say that Project Waterloo has been a tough one to get through but only once did I feel like a break and I had factored three such breaks in the planning of the whole painting process (yes I had a spreadsheet (ok 2)) and as such finished five months early. But the fact I am almost at a point I can paint what I want when I want is a great feeling and whilst I was not jaded regarding painting I am more fired up than ever before.

Aims for 2015.
Finish Matt's Zulu's before the end of February.
Get all the Waterloo buildings finished before the end of March.
Paint up at least eight points of Vikings in the year (including painted troops)
Get the WWI planes painted and get a few games in with the boy.
Get the Roman army finished before end of May
Paint up enough 6mm Ancients that I can have a game with them.
Buy and paint up a number of Celtic Warbands for Hail Caesar in 1/72, the buying is sorted.
Paint up the Arena Rex gladiators and get a few games under my belt.
Start a new 6mm Napoleonic Army, certainly the Poles but probably the Spanish as well.
Continue painting yet more Prussians, French and French allies in 6mm, no way am I finished with the two main forces I have worked on so far.

So a fair amount of plans for 2015 and whilst it may not be feasible to do them all I do think I have a chance of managing it if I don't add another tangent to my roaster.

Hope you all have a great New Year, I plan to paint  ;-)


  1. When you have all of those 6mm units presented en mass like that, they do look awesome!

    Happy New Year!

    1. And I have the same again (ish) as Prussian's. Lee has at least three times the figures shown LOL


  2. Quite a year Ian, the scale of what you have achieved has been immense - Happy New Year to you and Cath.

    1. Indeed it has been, this year will certainly see less 6mm but still quite a few will be produced


  3. That's quite an impressive tally for 2014!. Good luck with your plans for 2015. Really looking forward to seeing your Waterloo game!

    1. We just need the boards and last of the buildings and we are ready. I will be making sure I get the last major buildings done in the next two months


  4. Wow chap that is a great achievement completing the French and Prussians and it is nice to see that you have set your targets out for next year. So have a great New Year to you and your family.

    1. I should make most targets I think, though if I get more games in that could slow me down


  5. Replies
    1. I actually have another French Battalion on the desk right now


  6. That's an impressive year you've had Ian.

    With your Waterloo game, have you considered taking it to one of the weekend shows (Derby/Donnington perhaps)? If nothing else, it would showcase to a wider audience than would be at Joy of 6. If you need extra bodies to play it out, I'm sure you'd find willing victims, errmm, volunteers if you asked.

    1. i am happy to help out at a show with it - just let me know..

    2. There often seems to be someting lying in ambush when I plan to go to a show, but I'll willingly help if we concide. I usually lose, but I'm good at lifting heavy weights . . . .

    3. @ Tamsin, The problem is that it would not play out over two days and the set up time (and take down) is large. Can't do Donnington as it already has 6mm Waterloo booked. Of course it's also down to Lee as well

      @ Dave, don't worry you would be invited but you can have a crack at it anyway :-)

      @ Gary, always welcome


  7. Very impressive Ian! Happy New Year!

  8. an impressive year all right- plenty to look forward too as well.. All the best my man!

    1. Really looking forward to this years painting


  9. Wow! Impressive just fall short of the word
    Have a very happy 2015

  10. The scale of what you've done in Project Waterloo is mind blowing. Not many people out there are capable of doing a project like this, let alone do it so well. I would say 2014 is a year you can be proud of.

    1. I am really excited about the project and seeing it actually on the table, only then will I really see what has been achieved.


  11. You started your list for 2015 already. Good on ya'. I'm still getting the house cleaned though, this blogger break that I find myself on is lasting a tad longer.

    Anyway, Happy 2015 to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Happy, lists got to have lists, though I missed off ECW in 6mm that's taken a back seat


  12. That shot at the top is truly amazing, and inspirational! It's certainly something to be very proud of. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2015.

    1. Well next year will not be so focused, lots of other bits and bobs as the mood takes me


  13. There are certain bloggers I've come across who seem to achieve a hell of a lot in a short time. You're one of them, but modest forbids that I name ithers.
    Good luck with this year's plans.

    1. Thanks Gary, I am lucky enough to get to paint most days, makes a big difference


  14. Amazing photo of your French for your upcoming Waterloo project. Even though I saw this before, it is nonetheless jaw-dropping.

    Well Done.

    Ambitious 2015 too. Good luck and Happy New Year!

    1. I choose it because it was the most impressive photo I have of my work, the game is bound to b the one used for next years end of post


  15. Impressive, very impressive...Happy New Year!


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