
Thursday 1 January 2015

December Mountain Climbing

Given all the various activities that December threw at me I still managed a very credible month no doubt that the Analogue Painting Challenge helped. Not actually buying too many new figures also has kept a lid on the growth side on the mountain. So lets take a look shall we?

I needed about 8-12 figures to act as Elephant escorts so of course bought 4 units worth. I already had a carry over of two units but painted up a total of nine to reduce the total to minus 3.
Cavalry wise I carried over twelve units and added a further three of the new Baccus Naps but at least managed to paint up three leaving me with the twelve carried over again.
I also bought seventeen command figures whilst painting just three leaving me with a plus of fourteen.
I painted up a single limber and twelve guns and crews but had carried over eight guns from a previous purchase but resulting in a minus 4 so more improvement.
I also painted up a further 10 buildings bringing the excess to just 10 buildings, I should get these done in January.
Elephants and WWI planes remain unchanged, probably remain the same through January.

After a year of ignoring what was once my primary scale for a whole year I painted up thirty two figures and yet more will be painted up each month for some time. Given I have not bought any for over a year this will help a great deal in reducing the lead pile.

I carried over 96 figures from November when I bought the WWII Russians, I have now painted up one box less 4 unusable ones that have been thrown so half the mound see's the pile reduced to just forty Eight. The second box may or may not get work as the quality is not that great.
I also received three T34's for my Russians from my Secret Santa which are in the prep stage and should be done early January.

Also a good month for these guys. Last month saw me finish with one less model than the month before and I have painted up a further twenty  infantry carving a nice chunk out of the mountain, expect this to continue.
I have painted up two mounted and with only about sixteen altogether these should be dealt with soon enough.
I failed to paint up any more of the buildings so I hope to get a couple at least done this month, lets see shall we.
I even finished the four coffins on the table for months, well I do need the space.

Well as mentioned last month, this is for later, expect me to start sometime in the spring.

So weight wise I have cut a sizeable chunk from the mountain and January should hav much the same with limited purchases and good progress bringing more areas down to the levels I had when I started to monitor purchases V Painted and plenty of reductions in number beyond that figure.

Notable exceptions will all be 20mm, I have ordered three boxes of Celts and will be getting some 20mm support for the Russians. Next show will be February so I don't think any other purchases till then. However it's likely that 6mm will get another influx of figures as I will pick up any new French from Baccus and plenty of Ancients.


  1. The only plans I have for new acquisitions right now are more Bob Murch sculpts and some more space ships from Hydra.

    1. I bought something today, have to wait for delivery though. Not figures but fun none the less


  2. Good luck for the year ahead Ian!

  3. "Mountain Rescue" is perfect and suits us all. Some more than others. Your planned variety will help get through the lead.

    1. I have a good start for 2015 and I think I will finish the challenge revved up for yet more as I have so many things planned waiting a chance at bat


  4. I'm always impressed at how much you get through in a month Ian, well done that man.

    1. I tend to get at least an hour a night in the week and three or more per day over the weekend so I am lucky. As it really helps with the fatigue Cath is happy to oblige. I'm actually a fairly slow painter really, I just get the hours



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