
Thursday 11 December 2014

Building of the Week Mont St Jean

So keeping the Napoleonic theme going I give you Leven Miniatures NAP02 Mont St Jean which is cast to order and costs £19 and comprises of eight pieces most of which are fairly long as you can see from the measurements given on the site. I have not used the small barn porch included and listed.

I have yet to base mine and it's possible that will not happen until we have played Waterloo, need to check what Lee want's to do. It's the first time I have questioned Mike's sculpting as I felt that the wall detail was a little flat, far finer than some of his models but once I had got into painting it up my view changed totally. You see it's the walls detail showing through deeper in some areas and flatter in others that really make this model and proves Mike is not somehow just churning out the stuff but putting lots of thought into getting the look right. My hat is doffed.

The tiles on the buildings roofs were individually fitted to the original models and this took an absolute age but it really adds to the overall look of the building and was a big part of why I went with the more worn look that it has taken on.

So a great looking building in my mind that can also be changed around and made into a number of other possible buildings,, especially if you add a few wall sections and possibly other buildings from the Leven range.

So a great Napoleonic building that may not share the iconic state of La Haye Sainte or Hougoumont but it does have the Leven touch and as such can not be ignored.


  1. Great model and outstanding brushwork. It looks suitably weathered to my eye.

    1. Thanks, I like the finished piece more than I expected


  2. Really really fun. I love the roof bits, too.

    1. I always took you as a rough kind of girl ;-)


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks will we see some of your Baccus 6mm soon?


  4. Replies
    1. Hopefully you may get to Sheffield for Joy of Six so you can see the stuff in real life



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