
Wednesday 10 December 2014

Prussians Start The Final Lap

I had November off from painting the little guys, not because I needed it off but the mantle of finishing off the Project Waterloo figures became somewhat heavier than in reality it was. So once the 6th landed I was off and running and it sure felt good. I still have a few bits to finish before the figure side of Project Waterloo is put to bed but I am fairly confident they will be done before December is out. That's ahead of schedule by five months, plenty to be happy about.

This is the 1st Silesia Landwehr Regiment and the last part of the infantry I need for the IV Corp. Not that I have painted up all the infantry that makes up the Corp but all I will need for the Waterloo game. At some point in the future I will get round to painting up all the other troops from all four Corps but before then I will be taking a break from painting up any more Prussians though other Napoleonic's will cross the painting table. Mostly Spanish, Polish and French allies but that is next year.

The 1st Silesia had Jagers attached so I got to paint them up in green for a change. The battalions are all Adler whilst the Jagers are Baccus and actually work OK together even though the Baccus are thicker set.

I cut all the Adler from their longer bases so they were not as loosely spaced and this went better than it had done in the past though it does add a little to the time taken and you end up with a little mountain of snips.

Here is the second battalion, again in column, maybe they are out of step as their mounted officer just can not stand to watch them any longer.

The yellow was it's usual challenge but Vallejo Flat Yellow to the rescue. I used a black primer instead of the usual blue I have used for most of the previous units.

Not sure what happened with the 3rd Battalion images which is a shame as it was the only one in line. So what next? I still have two Landwehr cavalry regiments, another regular Lancer regiment and a single limber and that's the lot. Should get them up straight after the bonus round. More 6mm to be blogged here that has already been published in the Challenge but I will drip feed you here ;-)


  1. I never tire of seeing these miniatures Ian, lovely work Sir.

    1. Thanks, though they will be taking a bit of a back seat in the coming months as other projects take up centre stage (including other 6mm fun)

  2. Replies
    1. Well, with the help of buying some already painted figures which helped


  3. You certainly have done a tremendous job with getting these done. Keep it up!

    1. I do have a sense of achievement and am only just starting to realise how crazy we were to do it in the first place


  4. These are wonderful and I am in awe of the little wee men

    1. Thanks, I feel the same way when you roll out your 28's


  5. Excellent work on these wee guys Ian!

  6. Stunning work!
    I'm fascinated by the detail you brought to those tiny, tiny chaps.

    1. Well the detail was in the sculpting so I just pick it out though in truth I don't always paint all the detail supplied


  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, really looking forward to the Macedonian pike blocks I have planned later on



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