
Sunday 7 December 2014

First Saga Tilt AAR

My son has fallen off the painting buzz at the moment, lots of other things going off so I thought it would be good to get in a game to get his interest back, after all it works with me. We just went with what we had painted up so I had three units of Hearthguard (four figs elite) and a depleted levy bow unit of eight instead of twelve. I even had to field my unpainted leader. My son had three Hearthguard and two warrior (eight figure units) and his painted leader. So I was playing with five dice against his seven but with me having read the rules and played other games seemed a fair difference.

My right flank was two units of Hearthguard with the left the third unit. The centre was made up of the levies. I was facing what seemed a hundred figures and he had set them up mostly on the hill I was facing.

The bright green is broken ground so could be fired over but would slow down movement, neither happened. My son had one unit painted up by Gary Amos and Loki all the rest are his own work though I had painted some of the shields for him. 

I started to move towards the warriors on his left flank hoping to beat them with the better quality elites but he saw the move and countered with one of his own Hearthguard, so much for going against a eight year old sheep!

He picked up some of the nuances of the Battleboard and was re-rolling dice and changing others at a fair lick. We were trading blows each losing an odd figure.

I managed to get two units to attack the same opponent one after the other which left him with just the one figure left in the unit. He was to move it into cover behind his warlord at his first opportunity.

Try as I might I was not managing to get rid of any of my sons units I could get them down to one man but he would drop them back out of the direct fight. I have the ability to remove the last three figures that are not Hearthguard so was not able to sweep them up.

My son had made a Hearthguard up of the figures given to him and painted by Gary A and Loki, he was looking at attacking my levies with them but also had a two figure Hearthguard as a possible target as well

The hill was now home to a shattered collection of Ango Dane units he was to move his warlord forward to fight alongside his last full strength Hearthguard and what was left of his warriors but by the time he got into position Loki was on his own and the warriors were quite beaten up.

Loki was a real mean guy though, I threw attack after attack at him and he refused to die saving one wound after another. Finally he went down but by then I had a stack of fatigue and was having to rest just about everyone. The game finally finished with my son's warlord being killed but I was almost out of troops as well by then.

So a close game and we had a lot of fun. Doubtless I did things wrong but overall I think I got most things. We both had a reasonable idea of how the game plays and are eager for another game. It's even got him back to the painting desk as he works on another points worth of troops, Levies this time.

Also played a game of Hail Caesar over at Kev's last Friday night but I forgot to take photo's. Lots of fun and laughs but I will leave it to Kev to do the AAR.


  1. Sounds like a very entertaining game, and an excellent way to recharge the enthusiasm for painting :-)

    1. It was great got to find time to get another game in especially as I have almost finished my warlord and the rest of my levies.


  2. Thats looks like and sounds like a great game and lots of fun. Your sons painting is rather good, especially considering his age. I look forward to the next game you both have.

    1. I helped out with a few of the shields, he has spent a bunch of time this last few nights painting whilst I was doing the same. I think he may beat me in the challenge


  3. Wonderful game Ian! It's all about the fun!

    1. It is indeed but with a little more thought and luck and he will be chalking up his first win. I think I will try and keep him ahead of me by a point or two for the time being so it's a challenge for me and he has a better chance of a win


  4. Good stuff. I really treasure the memories of similar games with my kids when they were younger. I wish you many happy years of gaming with your boy.
    It's terrific that his figures include ones done by Gary and Loki, so cool!

    1. I know I am really lucky, even my Daughter likes playing the cowboy games, more reason to get more of the buildings finished for another game.


  5. You keep your fingers off his force, he already has me running. He has got another bunch painted up, just need me to base them. Oh and prep the next lot. I can see Christmas will be spent slaving away for him



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