
Monday 8 December 2014

Warbases Horses

I have finally got round to painting the 28mm Warbases horses that I bought way back and of course they took no time at all to paint up making the delay the more unforgivable. These will allow either the stage coach or the wagon to move in a cowboy game opening up all sorts of possibilities.

These are £2.50 each which I think is a little on the high side but saying this you do get a fair bit of lead and I have to stress that I have not tried comparing them. They go well with the Warbase stage coach so at the end of the day I am not moaning and am happy with the money spent, just not used to 28mm costs I am guessing.

I am fairly sure a set of moving horses are in the pipeline as well as the luggage and crew for the stage coach so I will be getting these as well so you can judge for yourself how the price effects me LOL.

These were painted pre-challenge so do not count towards me score but did get another PLUS off my score board for the lead mountain so got to be good. In fact expect the mountain to sustain a good number of body blows throughout the coming weeks as I rip chunks out of it yep fighting words.

Talking of the challenge I have my first submission in and I have almost finished my second one meaning I will have scored over 100 points in the first week but it is bound to slow down as I have a number of other projects as well as real life to cut into the painting time. However I also have a good number of posts planned so that the next three months will not just be a steady flow of painted figures. Though traffic is down some especially Friday as everyone seemed to be doing painting bingo. Eyes down for a full paint job.


  1. Congrats on what sounds like an organized start.

    1. I have discovered the missing prepped figures from last year so these are added to the lines already formed but on my lunch break I sprayed another twelve 28's so I am not as organised as I may seem LOL


  2. Love the imagery of ripping out great chunks of your lead mountain. We all could use some of your gusto in assaulting that BEAST.

    Nice horses too!

    1. I was looking at the plans I have for just December and I think I will be able to hold my head up high when I publish the results.


  3. Cheers Ian.
    Lovely job on the coach and team.
    I'm currently working on more western stuff for Warbases and they will be available in the new year

    1. I can't wait and you did a very good job on these horses I just need you to crack on with the rest LOL


  4. Great looking horse team Ian!

    1. Thanks, though they are missing their socks really


  5. They look rather nice, but the groundwork is particularly good Ian.

    1. Cheers, and I just have received the reinforcements required for further attacks on the mountain


  6. To my those horses look rather good. Very well painted anyway.

    1. Thanks Stefan, always helps when they are good looking castings mind



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