
Monday 26 January 2015

Dominate Roman Archers and Analogue Painting Challenge Update

The latest finished figures finished for the Dominate Roman Army is the bow armed infantry. I painted them up in a flourish but I actually need one more base of light infantry and the rest of the castings I have primed are in black so I may have a bit more work on my hands than I thought, but those are a little further down the line.

The only way I will need so may light infantry with bow will be when I add them to the Legions. Though they can also be added to the auxiliary infantry so I guess I will be painting more than one more stand as I have the figures.

All the figures are 15mm Essex and all have the same pose but by putting them at slightly different angles they look a little different. I went with a pale blue I had found in an illustration.

Despite the uniform being fairly basic it still took a lump of time to paint up all the detail that is blue as it was sculptured into the figure which is a nice touch but did make it a slower paint.

I am also allowed a more useful eight bases of Medium Bow which I think could be a lot more useful at taking bases off my opponents so will be keen to see how that pans out.

So this gives me fourteen more bases for the Dominate Army which will soon have all the infantry finished and I will be moving onto the cavalry in a few weeks time.

Showing the lights as part of the legions. The third unit is short by one base so did not parade. That's 86 figures painted for this army since the challenge began, far better than the 24 I mustered during last years challenge.

Talking of which I have twenty four bases of Thracian's almost finished and will be getting these in for submission this week. Twelve of the figures were painted way before the challenge so won't count for points but I can now max out on one of my armies with the Thracian option. 

I will also have passed my points total for last year and by the half way point too. This is without going for more than two of the bonus rounds this time round where last year I went for every round. I will also have painted up more figures in every scale/type I painted last year except 15mm vehicles but having painted up the same number in 20mm I can rest easy.

Lastly, songs played so far whilst painting/prepping Challenge figures 1977, so looks like I will just get to the end of the challenge before running out of songs on the pod.  :-)


  1. Nice archers Ian.

    I'm assuming the Thracians are MF, so 24 bases at 3 per base is 72 figures, minus 12 already painted gives 60 for the entry. At 2 points a pop, that's 120 points, enough to put you about 50 points ahead of me. Until next Saturday ;)

    1. Looking at what you are in the process of doing I would say you are going to take the lead and keep it here on in though I hope to keep a respectable distance behind you.

      I also miscounted as I have 62 just painted, just 10 used from the originals.


  2. Good stuff Ian. My 15mm West Wind Ancients KS has just surfaced so I'll be visiting this blog for some inspiration and top tips once I get going with them. Lovely white and blue tunics. I'm especially impressed though with your discipline as each little fellow is clearly well done. If that was me I'd have lasted for about one base worth of minis and then started losing focus; resulting in the final models doubtless having blue shirts with white piping :-) Good stuff, sir.

    1. Thanks, I was almost tempted by the Forged in Battle Ancients kickstarter but already had two on the go and really don't need another ancients army, though I have said that before.


  3. So many archers! Very nice job!

    1. You wait till the Thracian's get posted -)


  4. A splendid force you are building there Ian.

    1. I should get some Axillary and light foot done in the next few weeks then it's cavalry time I guess


  5. They're a great bunch of figures! You've clearly done a marvelous job on them.

    1. Thanks, the whole army will be done before Summer if I can keep it on the painting table


  6. The brush is really flying at your house, Ian!
    Congratulations on exceeding your goals!

    1. Cheers Jonathan, it's been a very productive few weeks but I will be slowing down a little over the next few weeks as my wife is slow in recovering from a fall so finding myself doing the chores ;-)


  7. Replies
    1. Helped by the Essex sculps which I am sure you can appreciate


  8. That is some wonderful work there Ian!

    1. Thanks Roger, keeping me out of trouble



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