
Thursday 22 January 2015

Zulu Yawn? Baccus 6mm

Too back to back Zulu posts and this ones a wrap. Right at the beginning of the month I stated I wanted to get the Zulu's all finished by the end of February and I have managed it with a whole month to spare so I am real happy to be able to call time on the army.

I actually finished off the project by painting up these Zulu's all in the one day. Though it has to be said all in one longish day but rather than being a bind I really enjoyed it and it only took a day as I just went from one stage to another without thought of stopping and doing something else, quite a roll really.

Lots of detail and clear enough to just keep on going, no eye strain or fatigue at all. Of course it helps that this was the end of the project which always acts as a boost for me, like coming towards the end of a good book.

So these will be going over to my mates sometime soon. 6mm are at the moment off the menu though I have started to clean up a few units of ECW and Napoleonic's for either next week or the week after depending on how fast I can get through the 15mm Thracian's I am working on at the moment. I have an outside chance of finishing them in time for my Tuesday deadline but realistically I doubt it will happen.

This is all the Zulu's I have painted in the last two months with another four regiments of 36 figures each supplied to Matt so long ago. 

As well as the Thracian's I also have my entry fee and a female Partisan on the go but all my attention has been with the guys with pointy swords but that may change in the next night or two.


  1. Well done Ian! It's one of the great satisfactions of the hobby to get a large project finished :-)

    1. It is indeed, still feeling pleased that I have got this one under wraps


  2. That is quite an achievement, Ian - you've certainly got staying power Sir.

    1. Well it was supposed to be a marathon but I ended up sprinting to the finish line after taking a long nap


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I hope they get some good games played


  4. Very well done Ian! Pretty good going for a day too!

    1. The rifle guys were much simpler than the shield armed so was able to just get on with them.


  5. Ian, I feel so guilty putting you through painting this lot for me...
    All I need now is my opponent to get his finger out. Something that has been mentioned a few times...
    I promise as soon as they're based I'll let you have some photos.
    Like you this period didn't have any interest for me. And then I spoke to Pete Berry...
    I won't even think about buying any more, although York is coming up soon.

    1. No problem Matt, I am glad I can say I have done these so all is good.

      I think your oppo will simply mention all the Nap's you guys have had to paint (or still painting) though the British Reserve have just washed up on my desk LOL.

      That Mr. Berry is a persuasive chap, best if both of us are not at his stand at the same time. I will be there all day I think so will look out for you, can show you the latest 6mm treats I will be picking up and if it's early enough show you Hougoumont model I finished for Leven



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