
Thursday 12 February 2015

6mm Baccus Ancients

I don't think you can call something a project with only one base done so I was happy that I have got round to painting up some more troops for my 6mm Ancient diversion. Whilst so far I have not managed to get anyone to commit to building a 6mm army I hope painting up a few more units will change at least one mind. Matt's fairly resolute with his no, not now, not ever (should I take that as a no then?) Lee was starting to show signs of cracking under the pressure. If he had not already dropped plenty of cash on his Spanish Naps he may well have caved in at York. He has started to talk about Roman's so maybe a few units of Pilum fodder will bring him much shiny.

As mentioned before I plan to use Hail Caesar rules with a few modifications, mostly base sizes as I want all the units to have the same frontage including elephants, though artillery may be all 30x30. One think I really want to do is have dense units of cavalry rather than the nine to a unit on 30x60 bases. These are Saka horse archers so not dense but on the same size base as the 96 pike from the first unit. I find the idea that skirmishers take up the least amount of space rather difficult to visualise. To me, especially a swirling body of horse archers firing then dashing back to safety should take up a lot of space. So that's the thought process and I am building test units for various troop types and the results should start to trickle through in the next month or so, no rush as I am a one man army at present.

Under prep at the moment I have heavy bolt throwers, companion cavalry, hoplites, peltasts, bow and javelin light troops as well as a few casualty markers so plenty to keep me entertained.


  1. Those look really good Ian. There are not many scales when you can actually recreate a cantabrian circle on a base

    1. too true, I want the end result of seeing the Ancients in battle to really give the imprecision of mass, as such armies such as the Roman will look impossibly small by comparison but will be able to give as good as they get.


  2. That's lovely work! I concur with Mark about the delightful Cantabrian Circle!

    1. Thanks Peter, I am now on leave for a week so expect more units over the next few weeks and a group shot of the force so far


  3. You got tons of colour out of those little guys and the basing is top notch, really shows off your brushwork to good advantage. I have a bunch of Baccus Naps in the post and now I feel inspired! Well done.

  4. Thanks Michael, I wanted them to be quite punchy with them having less figures on the bases than other units.Mass through colour really.

    Looking forward to seeing your Naps develop. I have a lot of British to paint up and will be starting them this week I hope



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