
Friday 13 February 2015

The Uff-Puff..... A Review

Well I never thought I would have that as a title of a blog post but that's the curve ball of this wacky hobby and well it's a wacky product so why not?

The uff-puff is the nickname the Baccus family have given to the new basing aid or to use it's Sunday name The Baccus Static Grass Applicator, priced at £1.75 for the UK. This little fella (7cm long) is a plastic bellows like device that you 3/4 or so fill with static grass and literally pump out the static grass onto the glue you have added to your bases and it simply blows the grass out of the applicator and hay presto the flock is standing upright.

Here is a close up of the Saka horse I posted about yesterday. I have always had reasonable results by sprinkling them onto the base though the weight of the flock tends to force it flat and the glue tended to end up covering a wider area on the base. Neither were deal breakers as it was far better than the flock method I used before.

Here is a closer view of other figures I based up at the same time and as you can see it really works well. If you want the full carpet effect you can do that as well, it looks like a neatly mowed lawn with almost uniformly straight grass which will really appeal to many. Personally I like the bare patches though it's not so authentic.

Works perfectly well with 28's as well as the smaller scales. I have yet to do field tests with troops on the table but I have handled the bases in less than ideal ways and it's stood up to that test.

The process is not fast though, it will slow down my basing as you need to keep filling it up and don't forget to shake every about 20-30 puffs for best results. I have to admit that I can see the slow down as a bit of a turn off but to those people who are put off is that compared to the time taken to paint up the figures the very short period of applying the static grass by either method is a drop in the ocean but the difference between the two methods is well worth the extra time. OK using the old adage of the two foot rule you can't see a difference (actually you can, just) I say that when someone stoops to look at my figures I don't like to cringe. It's a great new addition to my basing arsenal and it would be a good buy at more than double the price, just don't tell Peter.


  1. I've been after something like this for a while. I don't think £1.75 will break the bank

    1. On it's own no, but you need to get loads of other bits as well


  2. Nice, may have to invest in one.

    1. The biggest investment is time as it's slower than the chuck it on method but does look that much better


  3. Thank you for the review.


  4. Yeah I would bother with those £100 applicators, but a couple of quid must be worth a go

    1. I am thinking it's going to do well for Baccus, especially when we get more guys having used it


  5. Thanks for this Ian, I saw it on the Baccus website and wondered if it was worth it. I'll order one and give it a try.

    1. I think it's really good, mine will get a lot of use


  6. THanks. I thought it was a gimmick when I saw it on the Baccus website, but I think I'm convinced now.

    1. It's going to get some column inches I think. I plan on getting another one or two so I have to reload less often



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